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May 21-23, 2001Indian Wells, California, USA |
CUG SUMMIT 2001 ProceedingsCray Focused ProgramSGI Focused ProgramCUG Proceedings are available to CUG site representatives and conference attendees on line. A username and password is required. If you are a site representative and/or conference attendee and need a username and password or if you wish to purchase our CD-ROM of the Proceedings, please contact the CUG Office.
President |
Vice-President |
Secretary |
Treasurer |
Regional Director Americas |
Regional Director Asia/Pacific |
Regional Director Europe |
Past President |
Program Lead Committee |
Sam Milosevich (OR-ST), Chair |
Hans-Hermann Frese (ZIB) | Leslie Southern (OSC) |
Eric Greenwade (INEEL) | Kevin Wohlever (OSC) |
Chuck Keagle (BCS) | |
Vito Bongiorno (CRAY) | Weston Bielby (SGI) |
Larry C. Eversole (JPL), Chair |
Kathy Little (JPL) |
Norma Soto (JPL) |
Kathya Zamora (JPL) |
No part of this publication may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process without written permission from the author(s) and publisher. Permission requests should be made in writing to the publisher, the Cray User Group, at the address below. Copyright © 2001 by the Cray User Group, Incorporated.
For assistance with the list of current trademarks for Cray Inc., please contact the Cray Inc. Legal Department at (1-651) 683-5327. For assitance with the list of current trademarks for SGI, please go to http://www.sgi.com/company_info/trademarks/ or contact Ben Pasarelli at (1-650) 933-1702. CUG Proceedings are produced for the Cray User Group by |