CUG 2012


CUG 2012 Conference

Registration date: February 23, 2025 at 10:43 AM GMT.


Welcome to the registration form for the Cray User Group 2012 Conference. This registration system will process one registration per order. You may also include a Guest Ticket for the CUG Night Out Event on this registration, or manage that separately. XTreme SIG members that are participating in their colocated event may also complete registration for that event here. You may use a Mastercard, Visa, or American Express credit card to complete your registration. To ensure that the credit card payment process is secure, CUG uses a PayPal Merchant Service for accepting the credit card information. This does not require individuals to have an existing PayPal account. You may use the Guest Feature at checkout to bypass the PayPal account system.

Required fields are indicated in red.

Eligibility to Attend the Cray User Group Conference Series

I am eligible to attend the Cray User Group Conference as an employee of a CUG Member site, a user of computing services at a CUG Member site, as a Cray-approved Conference Sponsor, or as a Visitor approved by a CUG Officer/Director.

Registrant's Name

First Name

Last Name

CUG Affiliation

Please select one of the following options. I am a(n)

Employee of a CUG Member site

My CUG Member site is