Scheduling and Configuration Tuning for the T3E

Jim Grindle
The T3E, while similar to the T3D for application programming, offers a host of new possibilities for system configuration. This tutorial will address these possibilities and present knowledge obtained from recent experience. The configuration includes such issues as distribution of the OS servers, the placement of OS servers on the OS PEs, and the organization of pcache. A key question, the use of political scheduling, will be described. A walk-through of how to make key configuration choices and a discussion of their effects will be presented. Recommendations for optimal settings will be made. Since our knowledge is incomplete, input or feedback from sites about their experiences will be welcomed as part of the tutorial.

OS Tuning and Configuration

Jim Harrell
This talk will provide an understanding of large (64 processor and above) Origin configuration and tuning. The basics of Origin configuration and tuning will be explained. SGI/Cray's understanding and experience running large Origins will be used to provide guidance for customers on these large systems.

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