Cray User Group Directory of User-submitted Software

Title HDC
Revision June, 1990
Purpose Handy Dandy Copy; copys all or part of a file to another
Package type program
Application area utility
Abstract hdc copys numer bytes/words from infile starting at byte/word address inadd to outfile starting at byte/word address outadd. numer, inadd, and outadd can be octal, decimal, or hex integers. numer must be > 0 , or = $. ($ means to "end of infile".) inadd and outadd must be >= 0. If the outfile doesn't exist, hdc creates it. If the outfile exists, and is writable, hdc asks for confirmation with a prompt.
Submittor Wayne Schroeder
Contact Wayne Schroeder
San Diego Supercomputer Center
CUG Site Code SDSC
Distribution method ftp
Distribution restrictions none
Copyright Copyrighted by SDSC to prevent resale, otherwise no restrictions.
License required no
License fee n.a.
Hardware Cray Y-MP
Operating System UNICOS 5.1
Compiler(s) pcc
Program support when schedule permits
Documentation README file, Makefile, man pages
Portability to other UNIX systems should be easy to port
Additional comments The source is maintained using RCS. If you do not have the RCS 'co' utility to 'check out' the source, you can edit the bed.c,v file and remove the beginning header and the ending trailer to produce a bed.c file.

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Last update: July 7, 1999