Cray User Group Directory of User-submitted Software

Purpose UNIX/UNICOS remote job submission station
Package type UNIX shell scripts, plus one C executable for AFS version
Application area Networking, Remote Job Submission
Abstract PSCSUB is a very simple script that can be used to submit jobs to the Cray NQS batch queue. Files can be transferred to or from the Cray, jobs can be killed, or queried. PSCSUB is small, easy to install and alter, and has been installed on many workstations at PSC.
Submittor Dan Nydick
Contact Andrew K Adams
Phone 412-268-4960
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, 4400 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213
CUG Site Code PSC
Distribution method ftp
URL (for version for machine with AFS file system) (for version for machine without AFS file system)
Distribution restrictions none
Copyright Copyright by Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. A free license is granted to redistribute the original code unchanged and without charge.
License required no
License fee n.a.
Operating System UNICOS 6.0
Compiler(s) C compiler required for one utility in AFS version
Program support When schedule permits
Documentation README file, user documentation, test data
Portability to other UNIX systems SUNs, DECstations, VAXstations
Additional comments Two versions of software are available: One version is set up to work properly on a machine that uses the AFS file system. In this case, file transfer requests between the Cray and the AFS client require that the Cray present the AFS client with a valid AFS token. This is taken care of as part of the script. The other, and simpler, version, runs on a machine that does not use the AFS file system.
Includes related utilities, PSCFETCH/PSCDISPOSE, PSCDEL and PSCSTAT, which allow file transfer as part of a job, job deletion, and job status inquiry.
Allows UNIX/UNICOS remote job submission very similar to Cray Research VMS/UNICOS Cray station.
The PSC provides this software to those users who prefer to work on a local computer, and to submit jobs to the Cray without logging in directly. It provides users with the conveniences of a "front end" computer, and reduces the number of foreign machines the user must cope with directly.

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Last update: July 7, 1999