Cray User Group Directory of User-submitted Software

Title SPR
Revision 1.05
Purpose Simple CRI SPR form filler
Package type Program
Application area System Problem Reports
Abstract Cray Research, Incorporated, requires a standard format for system problem reports. The SPR program interacts with a user, preparing a text file to contain the SPR. The SPR program fills in all the items it can, and marks those items that must be filled out by the local Cray analyst. It prompts the user for other information. Once the information has been entered, the program does NOT automatically mail the file, but rather leaves it in the user's directory, so that the user can tidy it up, insert long examples or otherwise alter the text before mailing it to the Cray Analyst. Our local analysts are very happy that most of their work is done for them.
Submittor John Burkardt
Contact John Burkardt
Phone 412-268-4960
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
4400 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA, 15213
CUG Site Code PSC
Distribution method contact:
Distribution restrictions none
Copyright Copyright by PSC, with a free license to users to make a local copy, or to redistribute the original program without change and without charge.
License required no
License fee n.a.
Operating System
Compiler(s) CFT77
Program support When schedule permits
Documentation user documentation, test data
Portability to other UNIX systems SUNs, DECstations, VAX/VMS
Additional comments Program is easily modified at the local site to set the appropriate defaults.

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Last update: July 7, 1999