To the Members of CUG:
Welcome to the 41st CUG conference on high performance computation and visualization. This is your best chance in 1999 to exchange problem-solving information and enjoy professional interactions with your fellow users of SGI and CRAY technical computing systems in the birthplace of supercomputing!
Discover how CUGyour user forum on SGI high performance systemscan be your source for up-to-the-minute information and insight for that competitive edge you need.
Please, review the Technical Program in the following pages for a truly unique opportunity to experience the "End of an Era ... Eve of a New Millennium."
The CUG Program Committee has assembled a diverse array of detail-packed presentations in Tutorials, Keynote and General Sessions, Special Interest Group technical presentations and spontaneous "Birds of a Feather" (BOF) discussions.
- Tutorial Sessions on Monday morningavailable to you at NO additional chargeare a great opportunity for you to update your technical skills with the help of selected technical experts from SGI and CUG sites.
- The Welcome and Keynote Session, Monday afternoon, starts the countdown. The Keynote Speaker, Cherri Pancake of Oregon State University, is a well-known opinion-leader in HPCC.
- General Sessions during the week provide you with the latest corporate and technical information from SGI executives, as well as general-interest technical presentations.
- Parallel Technical Sessions each day give you the opportunity to focus on the specific knowledge domains of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Presentations in these sessions have been reviewed and selected for you by SIG Chairpersons.
- Summit Interactive Sessions on Tuesday and Thursday each provide a forum for interaction between CUG and SGI with more time than a Parallel Technical Session and more focus than a General Session.
- Birds of a Feather (BOF) Sessions, the most dynamic aspect of a CUG conference, are scheduled as needed, and notices of BOF meetings will be posted near the Message Board. You are welcome to organize a BOF session during the conference.
- Formal receptions and informal luncheons are among the countless occasions you will have to exchange information with your colleagues from other CUG sites and to collaborate with representatives from SGI.
You can see how the Minneapolis CUG Conference offers something for everyone during an exciting, educational, and entertaining week as we experience the
End of an Era...
...Eve of a New Millennium
- Sam Milosevich
CUG Vice-President and Program Chair
Eli Lilly and Company