Last Update 2000-04-30 by kcarlson

ARSC Archive Accounting Files and Reports

Overview (data, text, html)

This document identifies the ARSC monthly accounting archive and report files which are maintained in the shared /allsys/support/acct directories:

In the following HOST=yukon is a T3E and HOST=chilkoot is a J90 and the following conventions apply to files:

 :file      yyyymm and yyyy-mm files are monthly (200003 in examples below)

Data Archives (top, text, html)

The following files are archived on the first day of each month by csa.ua_eom.ksh invoked by csa.user from csarun: USEREXIT. The files are automatically migrated by DMF.
${HOST}: cd /allsys/support/acct

d ${HOST}/              Archives (monthly), typical contents:
  ${HOST}/cacctcms.2000-03.tar  200003/20000302.0001,200003/cms/20000302.0001
  ${HOST}/csagcon.2000-03.tar   c.20000302
  ${HOST}/diskusg.2000-03.tar   200003/20000302.files.*
  ${HOST}/rawacct.2000-03.tar   20000302.0001/*
  ${HOST}/session.2000-03.tar   20000302.0001
The csagcon were back-generated through 1998-07. The other files exist from 1998-05 through current, for yukon some files exist back through FY1997. Each rawacct and session tar file is +/- 500MB.

These files are archived from ${HOST}:/var/local/output/acct, see 'csarun overview' for information on creation and see 'host specific files' for description of files.

Text Reports (top, data, html)

${HOST}: cd /allsys/support/acct

                     Usage Report ad hoc Tables (manually maintained)
  DoD.rpn                     #   DoD rpn correlations
  accounts.txt                #   Project status
  alloc.txt                   #   Project allocations

d summary/           Usage Summary Text Files (by HOST)
d summary/${HOST}/            # From csa.ua_eom.ksh
  summary/${HOST}/200003.Sum  #   cacct (resource) summary file
  summary/${HOST}/200003.Disk #   dacct (disk use) summary file
  summary/${HOST}/mtd.cacct   #   cacct current month-to-date
  summary/${HOST}/mtd.dacct   #   dacct current month-to-date
  summary/${HOST}/now.dacct   #   dacct current snapshot (today)
  summary/${HOST}/tree        # From csa_tree.ksh, Project Hierarchy
d summary/${HOST}/FY*/        #   (files from previous fiscal years)
d summary/${HOST}/old/        #   (archived files pre-massaging)
                     Links to Project Hierarchy and Reports
l summary/tree    -> chilkoot/tree
l summary/reports -> /allsys/support/doc/acct/reports

${HOST}: cd /allsys/support/acct

d reports/           Usage Summary Reports - Text (project oriented)
  reports/12m.${HOST}         #   12 Month CPU resource summary
  reports/200003.${HOST}      #   Month resource summary report
  reports/200003.${HOST}.disk #   Month disk use summary report
d reports/FY??/               #   Months, Previous FYs
l reports/html    -> ../html  #   (link to html reports)

HTML Reports (top, data, text)

${HOST}: cd /allsys/support/acct

d html/              HTML Reports (auto-copied to web, except index & summary)
                              #   See: ARSC intdev allsys/doc/html
  html/AcctData.html          #   Index of Reports (defines all the following)
l html/index.html -> AcctData.html

d html/${HOST}/               # From sysmon@admin: allsys_doc.ksh to intdev
                              # Project based
  html/${HOST}.month.html         Last month resource report
  html/${HOST}.mon12.html         12 month CPU resource report
  html/${HOST}.disk.html          Disk usage (last month)

                              # Job Based (expansion factors):
  html/${HOST}    Historical Summary (month, quarter, FY)
  html/${HOST}.jobs.html          Yesterday
  html/${HOST}.jobs.7days.html    Last 7 days
  html/${HOST}.jobs.MTD.html      Month-to-date
l html/${HOST}.jobs.month.html -> ${HOST}/200003.html

  html/${HOST}/200003.html        By month...
  html/${HOST}/??????.html        Months, Current FY
  html/${HOST}/????-Q?.html       Quarterly Reports
  html/${HOST}/????-FY.html       Fiscal Year Reports
d html/${HOST}/FY????/            Months, Previous FYs