man uafdump


  uafdump - file dump, hex and interpreted


       -options	input-file


  The uafdump command produces a hex and optional ascii	or ebcdic interpreted
  dump of a file.  The file block size defaults	to 512 bytes, but can be re-


  -block size
	Default	is 512 bytes.

  -first block
	Specify	first block to display,	count starts at	0.

  -last	block
	Specify	last block to display, default is end of file.

       Display hex values left-to-right	order.	This option is used for	sys-
       tems (such as VMS) which	use low	order bytes addressed first in
       integer representations.

       Display interpreted bytes under (beneath) hex values.  If neither
       -ascii or -ebcdic was specified the interpretation defaults to ascii.
       If both -ascii and -ebcdic were specified then -under is	implied.
       Note the	default	interpreted display requires a display greater than
       80 columns (108 minimum).

       If -under and -nohex are	specified, display is comparable to -nohex
       except tab, newline, and	escape characters ('\' ascii and '^' ebcdic)
       are escaped.

       Display only 16 bytes per line instead of 32.  This will	allow inter-
       preted display to fit on	an 80 column screen.

  -pad fill
       Used to change the default pad character	for non-printable characters
       in interpretations.  Default is a question mark,	'?'.

       Interpret bytes as ascii.  The default if either	-under or -pad is

       Interpret bytes as ebcdic.

       Do not show hex interpretation, implies ascii by	default.  Display
       will be 64 characters per line.

       Verbose option (displays	final block & byte count).

  -?   Display terse help message.


  Example requesting only first	two blocks of 64 byte length:

   snkac@java: uafdump ~/.profile -short -block	64 -last 1

   b=	0  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  8 9	a b c d	e f 01234567 9abcdef
   0x0000 230973786b61632f 2e70726f66696c65 #?sxkac/.profile
   0x0010 0a230a0950415448 5f6f72673d245041 ?#??PATH_org=$PA
   0x0020 54480a0950415448 3d2f7573722f6269 TH??PATH=/usr/bi
   0x0030 6e3a2f7573722f73 62696e3a2f736269 n:/usr/sbin:/sbi

   b=	1  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  8 9	a b c d	e f 01234567 9abcdef
   0x0000 6e3a2f7573722f6c 6f63616c2f736269 n:/usr/local/sbi
   0x0010 6e3a24484f4d452f 62696e3a2f757372 n:$HOME/bin:/usr
   0x0020 2f6c6f63616c2f62 696e3a2e0a657870 /local/bin:.?exp
   0x0030 6f72740950415448 09504154485f6f72 ort?PATH?PATH_or

  Example requesting first 64 byte block with reverse display:

   snkac@java: uafdump ~/.profile -short -block	64 -last 0 -rev

    f e	d c b a	9 8  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 b=	  0 01234567 9abcdef
   656c69666f72702e 2f63616b78730923 0x0000 #?sxkac/.profile
   4150243d67726f5f 48544150090a230a 0x0010 ?#??PATH_org=$PA
   69622f7273752f3d 48544150090a4854 0x0020 TH??PATH=/usr/bi
   6962732f3a6e6962 732f7273752f3a6e 0x0030 n:/usr/sbin:/sbi


  The uafdump command has been tested under IBM/MVS, VAX/VMS, Digital UNIX,
  IRIX,	and UNICOS.  Suggestions for enhancements or bug reports can be
  directed to

  This command utilizes	the cci	command	parser utilized	by non-UNIX operating
  systems instead of the traditional UNIX getopt() parsing. Options have been
  defined to "look like" UNIX style options, but can be	spelled	out or gen-
  erally abbreviated. For example '-o' is the same as '-output'.  Because of
  this multiple	options	must be	space separated	and the	hyphen is part of the
  option name.	Also because of	this order of options and arguments is


  Written at the University of Alaska.