Fortran Programming Models for the Cray T3E

Hans-Hermann Frese
Supercomputing Department
Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB)
Takustraße 7
D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem
(49-30) 84185-145
Fax: (49-30) 84185-311

The Cray T3E Programming Environment provides a large range of programming models for Fortran applications using implicit or explicit parallel programming paradigms. In this paper we present the different parallel programming models and show code fragments through examples.
Cray T3E, Programming Models, Fortran, Explicit Parallelism, Implicit Parallelism, SHMEM, MPI, PVM, HPF, Co-Array Fortran, CRAFT


Cray T3E Overview

The Cray T3E [Crag,ABGS97,ABH97,And00] is a distributed-memory massively-parallel processing system. It consists of up to 2,048 processing elements (PEs) built from a DEC Alpha 21164 EV 5.6 RISC microprocessor, a system control chip, up to 2 GB of local memory with 1.2 GB/s bandwidth, and a network router. A block diagram of a Cray T3E node is shown in figure 1. The system logic runs at 75 MHz, and the processor runs at some multiple of this.

Figure 1: Block diagram of a Cray T3E node

The DEC Alpha 21164 microprocessor is capable of issuing four instructions per clock period, of which one may be a floating-point add and one may be a floating-point multiply. In the latest model Cray T3E-1200E each PE runs at 600 MHz giving a peak performance of 1200 Mflop/s per PE and an aggregated peak performance of 2.4 Tflop/s for a fully equipped system with up to 4 TB of central memory. The DEC Alpha processor provides two cache levels on chip: 8 KB first-level instruction and data caches and a unified, three-way associative, 96 KB second-level cache. The on-chip caches are kept coherent with local memory through an external backmap, which filters memory references from remote nodes and probes the on-chip caches when necessary to invalidate lines or retrieve dirty data.

The local memory bandwidth is enhanced by a set of six hardware stream buffers which automatically detect consecutive references to multiple streams, even if interleaved, and pre-fetch additional cache lines down each stream. Although there is no board-level cache on a Cray T3E node, the stream buffers can achieve much of the benefit of a large, board-level cache for scientific codes at a small fraction of the cost.

The processing elements are tightly coupled by a scalable three-dimensional bi-directional torus with a peak interconnect speed of 650 MB/s in each direction. An illustration of the Cray T3E torus interconnect is shown in figure 2. All remote communication and synchronization is done between external registers (E-registers) and memory to provide support for latency hiding and non-unit-stride memory accesses by gathering up single words that can then be loaded stride-one across the microprocessor bus system.

Figure 2: Illustration of the Cray T3E torus interconnect

The GigaRing I/O system performs input/output through multiple ports onto one or more GigaRing channels. Each GigaRing interface has a maximum bandwidth of 500 MB/s with an aggregated peak I/O bandwidth of up to 128 GB/s.

Cray T3E Operating and Programming Environment

The Cray T3E runs UNICOS/mk [Crai], a scalable version of the UNICOS operating system. UNICOS/mk is divided into a micro-kernel and servers and it is distributed among the T3E system PEs and provides a global view of the computing environment in a single system image to simplify system-wide management of resources. Global servers provide system-wide operating system capabilities, such as process management and file allocation.

The Cray T3E Programming Environment [Crah] provides an integrated set of application development tools like optimizing compilers, parallel libraries, a debugger (Cray TotalView Debugger), and performance analysis tools (MPP Apprentice, PAT). The Programming Environment includes compilers for Fortran 90, C, and C++. Each compiler supports explicit parallel programming through the Cray Message Passing Toolkit (MPT), which includes implementations of the standard PVM and MPI libraries and the Cray Shared Memory Access Library to deliver fast inter-processor communication. The Cray Fortran 90 compiler also supports implicit parallel programming based on Co-Array Fortran, High Performance Fortran (HPF), and CRAFT.

Explicit Parallelism

Explicit parallelism through message passing is a programming paradigm which is widely used on parallel computers, especially on scalable systems with distributed memory and on workstation networks. In addition to the well-known Message-Passing Interface (MPI) there exist older standards like the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) and proprietary message passing protocols like the Cray Shared Memory Access Library (SHMEM). The Cray T3E supports all three of these message-passing paradigms.

Cray Message Passing Toolkit (MPT)

The Cray Message Passing Toolkit [Craf] supports inter-process data exchange for applications that use concurrent, cooperating processes on a single host or on multiple hosts. Data exchange is done through message passing, which means the use of library calls to request data delivery from one process to another or between groups of processes. The MPT package contains the following components:

Cray Shared Memory Access Library (SHMEM)

The Cray Shared Memory Access Library [Craa,Crac] supports distributed programming through message passing by providing one-sided communication routines (that is, one processing element (PE) can send or receive data directly to or from another PE without interfering with the remote PE). Supported operations include remote data transfer, atomic swap, work-shared broadcast and reduction, and barrier synchronization.

Data objects are passed by address to SHMEM routines. They can be arrays or scalars. Target or source arrays that reside on the remote processing element (PE) are typically identified by passing the address of the corresponding data object on the local PE. The existence of a corresponding data object locally implies that a data object is symmetric. Most uses of SHMEM routines employ symmetric data objects, but on Cray MPP systems, another class of data object, asymmetric accessible data objects, can also be passed to SHMEM routines.

Some SHMEM routines are classified as collective routines because they distribute work across a set of PEs. They must be called concurrently by all PEs in the active set.

The following fragment shows the code for the dot product function as a simple example for a reduction operation using Shared Memory Library routines:

FUNCTION dot_prod(n,x,y)
! computes the dot product x*y of two vectors x and y of length n
! using the Cray Shared Memory Library
   INCLUDE 'mpp/shmem.fh'
   REAL :: dot_prod
   REAL, INTENT (IN) :: x(n), y(n)
   REAL :: pwrk(shmem_reduce_min_wrkdata_size)
   INTEGER :: psync(shmem_reduce_sync_size)
   REAL global_sum, sum
   INTEGER :: i, nprocs
   EXTERNAL shmem_barrier_all, shmem_real8_sum_to_all
! calculate partial sums locally
   sum = 0.
   DO i = 1, n
      sum = sum + x(i)*y(i)
! calculate global sum using a SHMEM reduction routine
   nprocs = num_pes()
   CALL shmem_barrier_all
   CALL shmem_real8_sum_to_all(global_sum,sum,1,0,0,nprocs,pwrk,psync)
   dot_prod = global_sum

Message-Passing Interface (MPI)

MPI [Pac96] is a standardized and portable message-passing system designed to function on a wide variety of parallel computers. The MPI standard defines the syntax and semantics of a core of library routines useful to a wide ranges of users writing portable message-passing programs in Fortran, C, or C++. MPI-1 was released in summer 1994. Since then, the MPI specification has become the leading standard for message-passing libraries for parallel computers. Implementations exist for a wide variety of platforms, often available as free implementations [HSS98] or as part of the standard system software [Crad]. There are also implementations available for heterogeneous networks of workstations and symmetric multiprocessors, for Unix and Windows NT, too.

The original MPI standard was created by the Message Passing Interface Forum (MPIF). The public release of version 1.0 of MPI was made in May 1994. The changes from version 1.0 to version 1.1 of the MPI standard were limited to corrections that were deemed urgent and necessary. Version 1.1 of MPI was released in June 1995 [MPI95].

The major goal of MPI is a degree of portability across different machines comparable to that given by programming languages like Fortran. This means that the same message-passing source code can be compiled and executed on a variety of machines as long as the MPI library is available. Though message passing is often thought of in the context of distributed-memory parallel computers, the same code can run well on a shared-memory parallel computer, too. It can also run on a network of workstations or as a set of processes running on a single workstation.

An efficient design goal of MPI was to allow efficient implementation across machines of differing characteristics and architectures. MPI only specifies what an operation does logically. As a result, MPI can be easily implemented on systems that buffer messages at the sender, receiver, or do no buffering at all. Implementations can take advantage of specific features of the communication subsystem of various machines. For example on machines with intelligent communication coprocessors, much of the message passing protocol can be offloaded to the coprocessor.

MPI was designed to encourage overlap of communication and computation, so as to take advantage of intelligent communication agents, and to hide communication latencies. This is achieved by the use of non-blocking communication calls, which separate the initiation of a communication from its completion.

MPI supports scalability through several design features. An application can create subgroups of processes which allows collective communication operations to limit their scope to the processes involved. Another technique used is to provide functionality that does not require local computation that scales as the number of processes. For example, a two-dimensional Cartesian topology can be subdivided into its one-dimensional rows or columns without explicitly enumerating the processes.

Version 1 of the MPI [GHLL+98,Gro99a] standard includes:

The scope of MPI was limited in order to be able to address a manageable set of topics in time. Important topics that were deliberately omitted included: dynamic processes, input/output, and one-sided operations.

To promote the continued use of MPI and benefit a wide class of parallel applications, the MPI Forum met again in March 1995. The new MPI-2 standard [MPI97] includes significant extensions to the MPI-1 programming model, a number of improvements to the old MPI standard, and clarifications to parts of the MPI specification that had been subject to misinterpretation. Features added to MPI-2 [SOHL+98,Gro99b] are:

The following fragment shows the code for the dot product function as a simple example for an MPI reduction operation:

FUNCTION dot_prod(n,x,y)
! computes the dot product x*y of two vectors x and y of length n
! using MPI
   INCLUDE 'mpif.h'
   REAL :: dot_prod
   REAL, INTENT (IN) :: x(n), y(n)
   REAL global_sum, sum
   INTEGER :: i, status
   EXTERNAL mpi_allreduce, mpi_barrier
! calculate partial sums locally
   sum = 0.
   DO i = 1, n
      sum = sum + x(i)*y(i)
! calculate global sum using MPI reduction routine
   CALL mpi_barrier(mpi_comm_world,status)
   CALL mpi_allreduce(sum,global_sum,1,mpi_real,mpi_sum,&
   dot_prod = global_sum

Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)

PVM [Gei94,Crae] is a unified framework for the development of parallel programs. PVM enables a collection of heterogeneous computer systems to be viewed as a single parallel virtual machine. PVM transparently handles all message routing, data conversion, and task scheduling across a network of computer architectures.

The PVM computing model accommodates a wide variety of application program structures. The programming interface is straightforward, thus permitting simple program structures to be implemented in an intuitive manner. The user writes his application as a collection of cooperating tasks. These tasks access PVM resources through a library of standard interface routines. The routines allow the initiation and termination of tasks across the network as well as communication and synchronization between tasks. The PVM message-passing primitives are oriented towards heterogeneous operation, involving strongly typed constructs for buffering and transmission. Communication constructs include those for sending and receiving data structures as well as high-level primitives such as broadcast, barrier synchronization, and global sum.

PVM tasks may possess arbitrary control and dependency structures. At any point in the execution of a concurrent application, any task in existence may start or stop other tasks or add or delete computers from the virtual machine. Any process may communicate and/or synchronize with any other. Any specific control and dependency structure may be implemented under the PVM system by appropriate use of PVM constructs and host language control-flow statements. Therefore, the PVM system has gained widespread acceptance in the high-performance scientific computing community.

The following fragment shows the code for the dot product function as a simple example for a PVM reduction operation:

FUNCTION dot_prod(n,x,y)
! computes the dot product x*y of two vectors x and y of length n
! using PVM
   INCLUDE 'fpvm3.h'
   REAL :: dot_prod
   REAL, INTENT (IN) :: x(n), y(n)
   REAL sum
   INTEGER :: i, status
   EXTERNAL pvmfbarrier, pvmfreduce
! calculate partial sums locally
   sum = 0.
   DO i = 1, n
      sum = sum + x(i)*y(i
! calculate global sum using a PVM reduction routine
   CALL pvmfbarrier(pvmall,0,status)
   CALL pvmfreduce(pvmsum,sum,1,real8,0,pvmall,0,status)
   dot_prod = sum

Implicit Parallelism

Whereas explicit parallelism needs expensive hand-coding for the message-passing routine calls, implicit parallelism offers an easier way for existing serial codes. Usually a few directives and code modifications are sufficient to transform a serial program to a serial one. In addition, directives for implicit parallel programs are often treated as comments and therefore ignored by serial compilers which allows the modified programs to be used on serial machines.

For the Cray T3E the following implicit parallel programming models are available:

High Performance Fortran (HPF)

High Performance Fortran [KLS+94,] is an informal language standard for extensions to Fortran 90 which simplifies the task of programming data parallel applications for distributed memory machines. HPF provides directives for specifying how data are to be distributed over the local memories of a distributed-memory message-passing machine, a workstation network, or the caches of a shared-memory machine. The central idea of HPF is to augment a standard Fortran program with directives that specify the distribution of data across disjoint memories. The HPF compiler [PGI98a,PGI98b,PGI98c] handles the partitioning of the data according to the data distribution directives, allocating computation to processors according to the locality of the data references involved, and inserting any necessary data communication in an implementation dependent way using message passing or shared memory communication. HPF also provides language extensions and directives for expressing data-parallelism and concurrency. On many architectures the performance of an HPF program will depend critically on its data distribution, and to a lesser extent on its use of the facilities for expressing data-parallelism and concurrency.

HPF was developed between March 1992 and May 1993 by the High Performance Fortran Forum. The formal language definition is contained in the High Performance Language Specification [HPFF93].

A revised language specification HPF 1.1 [HPFF94] was produced in 1994 containing corrections, clarifications and interpretations of HPF 1.0.

A new base standard HPF 2.0 [HPFF97] was produced in 1997 which is now based on full Fortran 95.

The following fragment shows the code for the dot product function as a simple example for a reduction operation in HPF:

PROGRAM cug_demo
   INTEGER, PARAMETER :: n = 1000
   REAL :: sum
   REAL :: x(n), y(n)
!HPF$ ALIGN y(:) WITH x(:n)
   REAL :: sum
   sum = dot_prod(n,x,y)
   FUNCTION dot_prod(n,x,y)
! computes the dot product x*y of two vectors x and y of length n
! using High Performance Fortran
      REAL :: dot_prod
      INTEGER, INTENT (IN) :: n
      REAL, INTENT (IN) :: x(n), y(n)
      REAL sum
      INTEGER :: i
      sum = 0.
      DO i = 1, n
         sum = sum + x(i)*y(i)
      END DO
      dot_prod = sum
   END FUNCTION dot_prod
END PROGRAM cug_demo

Please note that the calculation of the global sum is very expensive if the loop is coded straightforward as the memory access to the global variable sum has to be synchronized and the loop has to be serialized by the compiler! Therefore, a REDUCTION directive is used to avoid the serialization of the loop.

Co-Array Fortran

Co-Array Fortran [NR98] is an extension to Fortran 95 for parallel processing which strictly follows the SPMD paradigm. A Co-Array Fortran program is interpreted as a replication of a serial program where all copies are executed asynchronously. Each program copy has its own set of data objects. In Co-Array Fortran the array syntax of Fortran 95 is extended with additional trailing subscripts to represent any data access across images. References without additional subscripts are to local data. Intrinsic procedures synchronize images, return the number of images, and return the index of the current image.

The following example shows the declaration of two one-dimensional arrays x and y in Co-Array Fortran which are replicated on every image of the program:

      REAL, DIMENSION (n)[*] :: x, y

A replication of array y on processor p is referenced in the form


Thus, the assignment

      x(:) = y(:)[p]

simply copies the image of array y from processor p to a local array x on each processor. Its effect is similar to a one-sided shmem_get without the messy message-passing calls.

The following fragment shows the code for the dot product function as a simple example for a reduction operation in Co-Array Fortran:

FUNCTION dot_prod(n,x,y)
! computes the dot product x*y of two vectors x and y of length n
! using Co-Array Fortran
   REAL :: dot_prod
   REAL, INTENT (IN) :: x(n)[*], y(n)[*]
   REAL sum[*]
   INTEGER :: i, p
! calculate partial sums locally
   sum = 0.
   DO i = 1, n
      sum = sum + x(i)*y(i)
! calculate global sum in first image
   CALL sync_images
   IF (this_image()==1) THEN
      DO p = 2, num_images()
         sum = sum + sum[p]
      END DO
! broadcast global sum from first image to other images
   CALL sync_images
   IF (this_image()>1) THEN
      sum = sum[1]
! return global sum
   dot_prod = sum

More examples can be found in [NR98]. Co-Array Fortran is built into the Cray CF90 Compiler [Crab].


CRAFT (Cray Adaptable Fortran) is built into the PGHPF compiler for the Cray T3E. The main difference between CRAFT and HPF is that a CRAFT program run per default in parallel mode and serial program sections have to be declared explicitly, whereas an HPF program runs in serial mode except for parallel loops.


We have shown that the Cray T3E supports a large range of parallel programming paradigms both for implicit and explicit parallelism. Implicit parallel programming models reduce the effort to transfer an existing serial application to a parallel platform and provide for clearer program codes, often for the price of less performance gain. In contrast, explicit parallel programming models are unbeatable with respect to performance but require a larger effort for code development transfer.


[ABGS97] Edward Anderson, Jeff Brooks, Charles Grassl, and Steve Scott. Performance of the CRAY T3E multiprocessor. In Supercomputing '97. 1997
[ABH97] Edward Anderson, Jeff Brooks, and Tom Hewitt. The Benchmarker's Guide to Single-Processor Optimization for Cray T3E Systems. Cray Research, Inc. 1997
[And00] Edward Anderson. Performance analysis of the CRAY T3E-1200E. Technical report, National Environmental Supercomputing Center, 2000
[Craa] Cray, Inc. Application Programmer's Library Reference Manual. 004-2231-002
[Crab] Cray, Inc. CF90 Co-array Fortran Reference Manual. 004-3908-001
[Crac] Cray, Inc. CRAY T3E Fortran Optimization Guide. 004-2518-002.
[Crad] Cray, Inc. Message Passing Toolkit: MPI Programmer's Manual. 007-3687-002
[Crae] Cray, Inc. Message Passing Toolkit: PVM Programmer's Manual. 007-3686-002
[Craf] Cray, Inc. Message Passing Toolkit: Release Notes. 007-3689-003
[Crag] Cray, Inc. Performance of the Cray T3E Multiprocessor.
[Crah] Cray, Inc. Programming Environment Release Overview. 004-5212-001
[Crai] Cray, Inc. UNICOS/mk Release Overview. 004-2600-002
[Gei94] Al Geist. PVM - Parallel Virtual Machine: A User's Guide and Tutorial for Network Parallel Programming. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1994
[GHLL+98] William Gropp, Steven Huss-Lederman, Andrew Lumsdaine, Ewing Lusk, Bill Nitzberg, William Saphir, and Marc Snir. MPI - The Complete Reference, Volume 2, The MPI Extensions. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1998
[Gro99a] William Gropp. Using MPI: Portable Parallel Programming with the Message-Passing Interface. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1999
[Gro99b] William Gropp. Using MPI-2: Advanced Features of the Message-Passing Interface. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1999
[HPFF93] High Performance Fortran Forum. High Performance Fortran Language Specification. 1993
[HPFF94] High Performance Fortran Forum. High Performance Fortran Language Specification 1.1. 1994
[HPFF97] High Performance Fortran Forum. High Performance Fortran Language Specification 2.0. 1997
[HSS98] Shane Hebert, Walter Seefeld, and Anthony Skjellum. MPICH on the Cray T3E. Technical Report CEWES MSRC/PET TR/98-31, Mississippi State University, 1998
[KLS+94] Charles Koelbel, David Loveman, Robert Schreiber, Guy Steele, and Mary Zosel. High Performance FORTRAN Handbook. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1994
[MPI95] Message Passing Interface Forum. MPI: A Message-Passing Interface Standard. 1995
[MPI97] Message Passing Interface Forum. MPI-2: Extensions to the Message-Passing Interface. 1997
[NR98] Robert Numrich and John Reid. Co-Array Fortran for parallel programming. Technical Report RAL-TR-1998-060, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 1998
[Pac96] Peter Pacheco. Parallel Programming with MPI. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 1996
[PGI98a] The Portland Group, Inc. PGHPF Compiler 2.4 Release Notes. 1998
[PGI98b] The Portland Group, Inc. PGHPF Compiler User's Guide. 2400-990-990-0197, 1998
[PGI98c] The Portland Group, Inc. PGHPF Reference Manual. 2410-990-990-0297, 1998
[SOHL+98] Marc Snir, Steve Otto, Steven Huss-Lederman, David Walker, and Jack Dongarra. MPI - The Complete Reference, Volume 1, The MPI Core. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1998

Author Biography

Hans-Hermann Frese is Chairman of the CUG Programming Environments SIG. He is a staff member of the Supercomputing Department at the Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB). His interests also include the evaluation of supercomputer systems, tools, and compilers.