Backup and Recovery of the X1 Complex Internal Machines

Jan Julian
PO Box 756020
909 N. Koyukuk Drive
Fairbanks, AK 99775
907-450-8641 Fax: 907-450-8605
Liam Forbes
PO Box 756020
909 N. Koyukuk Drive
Fairbanks, AK 99775
907-450-8618 Fax: 907-450-8605
The machines that comprise the X1 processing complex are discussed in reference to backup and recovery required by changes made to the software content of the machines that support security requirements at the Arctic Region Supercomputing Center.
Cray, X1, CNS, CWS, CPES, backup, recovery

1 Introduction

In order to support the Department of Defense (DOD) High Performance Computer Program (HPCMP) [1,1] Comprehensive Security Assessment (CSA)[1,2] requirements, locally developed good security procedures and Arctic Region Supercomputing Center (ARSC) tools that support monitoring of system changes, ARSC has found it necessary to modify the software set initially installed on the machines that comprise the Cray X1 Complex. In order to maintain the changes that have been introduced, a backup and recovery system that will allow rapid recovery from failing components of the X1 Complex or from changes introduced by human error is required.

This paper will briefly discuss the roles of the machines that comprise the X1 complex and the changes that ARSC applied to these machines. The backup and recovery method implemented on each of the platforms will be described, as well as additional recovery requirements still in development. Finally, we will summarize problems that have not yet been resolved in relation to X1 Complex backup and recovery.

Portions of this paper discuss techniques and procedures that are in a state of development. Some procedures have been tested, others have not. Some are in the planning stage awaiting further information. Each procedure will be identified as to its state of development.

2 ARSC X1 Configuration

The X1 Complex for the purposes of this paper is considered to be the X1 Mainframe, Cray Programming Environment Server (CPES), the Cray Network Subsystem (CNS), and the Cray Workstation (CWS). At ARSC, the X1 Complex consists of the X1, a CWS, a CPES, and two CNS machines, CNS0 and CNS1. Figure (2-1) offers a block diagram of the Complex and basic connectivity information.

Fig. 2-1 ARSC X1 Complex Connectivity (click on the image to enlarge)

In this configuration, the CWS is designed to operate and perform maintenance activities on a Cray X1 system, that can run various levels of software [2,1]. In addition, it maintains centralized machine logging in the X1 Complex.

The primary purpose of the CPES is to provide good I/O bandwidth for compiling on the Cray X1 system through trigger commands and native compiling [2,2].

The primary purpose of the CNS is to improve the network performance of Cray X1 computer systems. [2,3] It also provides, through IPtables, isolation of the X1 Complex from the public network. Basically, the CNS operates as a router, passing all packet traffic between site networks and the Cray Mainframe. The CNS OS is Redhat Linux, in our case, at 2.4.18. In addition, it installs with many features enabled beyond those that would be required for router operation.

3 ARSC Modifications

ARSC has maintained a strong security posture in regard to its installed systems. The earlier "classic" Cray computers, the SV1EX and the T3E, installed at ARSC have undergone security hardening procedures developed by ARSC and as such have had numerous changes made to the file permissions, file ownership, and script content. Tools have been developed that monitor and provide notification of changes in the status of the selected programs, scripts, and files. In addition, a dump and restore capability has been developed to allow recovery should the systems suffer catastrophic disk failure. It was desirable to move these tools wherever possible to the X1 Complex.

In addition to local requirements, the X1 at ARSC is affiliated with the DOD HPCMP and as such, must comply with annual Comprehensive Security Assessment findings. It is the case that the CSA has treated each machine comprising the X1 Complex as being vulnerable to defined threat vectors as if each was a standalone machine. In addition, the Department of Defense occasionally announces Information Assurance Vulnerability (IAV) Alerts, Bulletins, and Technical Advisories. [3,2] ARSC is required to assess these for applicability to the ARSC systems and environment. If either the CSA findings or the IAVAs are deemed a vulnerability, action must be taken to mediate the threat. These alerts can result in the need to apply changes to the operating systems or cease operations.

For the most part, changes are addressed in a timely manner by Cray with the application of new release updates; however, the nature of the CSA findings and IAVA assessments are such that applying patches, and in some cases removing products from the OS and program set, produces substantial differences between the last current Cray release and the active version installed at ARSC. In some cases, running the systems without the applied patches, as in the case of a standard reinstall, would not be allowed and would require the reapplication of all previous patches and modifications, potentially a time consuming process.

In order to accommodate the traditional ARSC programming environment using /usr/local as the resident directory for non Operating System libraries and programs, the CPES automount directory structure was changed. The CPES had mounted the /usr directory internally to allow the use of local libraries for compilation. Doing so prevented the mount of /usr/local from the X1 in the /SV2 compile automount structure. ARSC modified the internal automount structure so that /usr/bin, /usr/css, /usr/lib, and /usr/local were mounted individually.

On the CNS machines, the initial HPCMP CSA for these systems resulted in upgrades that included the removal of ucd-snmp, sendmail, and bind. Openssl, glibc, and nscd were updated. Additional "hardening" steps included the modification to ownership and permissions of files that are typically modified by ARSC system hardening.

In order to comply with HPCMP requirements, the release of openssh being installed on the X1 is the current HPCMP openssh with patches that support the X1, SV1, and T3E. It is different from the current COS version. ARSC has worked closely with Cray to incorporate changes introduced by the HPCMP into the Cray Open Source openssh and will use, whenever possible the COS software. Occasionally, as with this release, the HPCMP version was installed quickly to mediate recognized threats. Changes made at ARSC to the HPCMP versions to support the X1, SV1, and T3E will be transmitted to Cray for their evaluation and possible integration into future COS releases as well as to the HPCMP for inclusion in future HPCMP releases. In the meantime,ARSC needs to be able to restore the modified version.

As the volume of modifications has grown, it has become necessary to provide a means to recover the system environment on any of the X1 Complex machines in the event of failure. Being unable to do so means a prolonged period of recovery during which the X1 would not be available for work.

4 Backup and Recovery General Properties

The goal of the backup and recovery scheme instituted at ARSC is to provide the ability to boot from an alternate disk to resume operations as quickly as possible followed by a scheduled replacement and/or reconstruction of the failing component during standard maintenance periods. The procedures were also constructed to use the existing logical network connectivity between the CNS, CPES, and CWS to avoid inserting additional change.

The filesystem information from the CNS and CPES is dumped to files on their local disks and then copied from these systems to the CWS. The CWS filesystems, including the backup images of the CNS and CPES, are dumped to tape. These tapes are accumulated on a 26-week cycle. This means that for the CNS and CPES there may be a resident copy of the data on the dump data which can be used to assist in recovering the disk.

To provide the ability to resume operations, ARSC elected to perform an automated clone operation on each boot disk of the CPES, CNS, and CWS machines. The clone operations are performed as a run by cron weekly. The latest copy of the primary disk overlays the previously cloned information on the cloned disk. On the CPES and CWS, a second disk drive is available for the clone operation. On the CNS, only one disk drive is available, but unused partitions are available on the single available drive. In all cases, the clone script modifies the necessary files on each system to allow the clone disk to act as a boot disk. Since each system can be booted from a backup disk, the recovery of the primary disk can then be accomplished from the information stored on the CWS or from the latest CWS backup tape.

In the X1 Complex, routes exist to allow data to flow from CPES to CWS and from CNS to CWS. Since ARSC has installed openssh on each of these platforms, encrypted bulk data transfer can be easily performed using SCP to centralize dump data on the CWS and to recover dump information after a reboot from the alternate disk. The exception would be when recovering the CNS machines from a complete disk failure so that a boot using the cloned root partition was not possible. In that case, a reinstallation of the CNS is necessary [4,1]. Then the File Transfer Protocol can be used to recover sufficient information from the CWS to restore the CNS that failed.

5 CNS Backup Details (currently running at ARSC)

The primary disk on the CNS is partitioned to include three alternate root partitions: /dev/sda5, /dev/sda6, and /dev/sda7. Each root partition will be used by Cray for the new system updates as they become available. At ARSC, the next partition in sequence, following the latest Cray root, is used for the clone root partition. If /dev/sda5 is the current root partition then /dev/sda6 will be the clone partition [4,1]. Only the root partition is cloned. Corruption in the /var or /boot partition must be recovered from the filesystem dump on the CWS after the system is rebooted. The disk partition map of our CNS follows:

Disk /dev/sda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 2213 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1             1        11     88326   de  Dell Utility
/dev/sda2   *        12        77    530145   83  Linux
/dev/sda3            78      2213  17157420    f  Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sda5            78       339   2104483+  83  Linux   (alternate root)
/dev/sda6           340       601   2104483+  83  Linux   (alternate root)
/dev/sda7           602       863   2104483+  83  Linux   (alternate root)
/dev/sda8           864      1125   2104483+  82  Linux swap
/dev/sda9          1126      2213   8739328+  83  Linux   (/var)

The clone is performed once per week. The clone script will accept the source partition, mount point and backup device as input. A typical clone operation would be from /dev/sda5 to /clone on which /dev/sda6 would be mounted. The ability to specify source and target allows some flexibility before and after the system is upgraded. As part of the clone script, the /etc/fstab on the clone is modified so that the cloned root partition is the target of the boot operation. Error output is accumulated for one clone cycle on the CNS.

To supplement recovery via the cloned root partition, weekly backups are performed on the /, /var and /boot filesystems. With these backups, individual files as well as entire filesystems can be recovered once the system is booted. The dumps are created with /sbin/dump and are run weekly. They remain on the CNS in /var/dump directory, but primarily this location provides a base for transfer to the CWS. The dump script is the agent by which the copy to the CWS takes place using openssh scp. The success or failure of the dump operation is logged for one dump cycle.

The ARSC procedure that describes the CNS clone and backup can be viewed in section 12.1.

6 CNS Recovery Details

Recovery for the CNS falls into two categories. First, when the root partition is corrupted, but the remainder of the CNS disk is useable. Second, the CNS disk is not useable. In the first case, the CNS can be booted using the TIP cable from the CNS to the CWS. TIP will allow a console for the CNS on the CWS. When the LILO boot prompt from LINUX is available, any key stroke except shift will allow additional boot parameters to be entered. Entering Serial_Port and root=/dev/sda6 (the current clone partition) will allow the system to boot off of the cloned root partition. The ARSC procedure that describes the CNS boot and restore can be viewed in section 12.2.

In the second case, the recovery is more complex and has not been fully tested at ARSC. Once again the TIP cable and tip[6,1] command provides a console on the CWS to monitor the CNS boot operation. If the disk is truly unusable, then an alternate boot media must be used. In this case, the CNS installation CDROM can be used and the Cray Network Subsystem Release Overview and Installation Guide, S-2336, followed to install a temporary system on the new root partition. Once a bootable disk is available, the CNS can be booted to single user mode. Since we no longer have access to tools that were not part of the original installation, we must modify the xinitd.d file to allow ftp connectivity. Reboot the CNS and the system should boot to multi-user mode and be partitioned correctly.

Once the system is in multi-user mode, disk recovery can begin. From the CWS we can obtain the latest CNS boot, root and var filesystems dumps. The dump utility is not a standard package on the CNS. We maintain the dump/restore RPM in the dump directories on the CWS as well as a copy of the CNS partition layout. The files in the dump directory on the CWS can be transferred using ftp to the directory in which the dumps are normally kept on the CNS. Using the information from the partition map, we can mount the correct device file and restore the backed-up root partition. The same can be applied to /boot. The system can now be rebooted and will return to multi-user mode. Once rebooted, the /var filesystem can be restored. To finish the install it will be necessary to remove /tmp and soft link /tmp to /var/tmp. The system can now be rebooted.

If the default root partition used by the install from the CD corresponds to the dumped root directories partition, a problem arises. It may be necessary to restore to one of the alternate root partitions and then reconfigure the /etc/fstab to mount root properly. This is similar to booting from the cloned root partition procedure described above. Once booted from the cloned root partition, the original root partition can be restored from the dump files.

After completing the reboot to the previously active root, the system should be restored and functional. The clone scripts can be rerun manually to provide a recovery disk.

7 CPES Backup Details

The disk configuration of the CPES consists of four 73 GByte scsi disks. Two are internal to the CPES and two are mounted in an external file drawer. The internal disks are the primary OS disk and the cloned OS disk. The two external disks comprise the Programming Environment (PE), primary disk, and clone disk.

Two clone scripts are use to create the clone for the primary disk and the primary PE disk. These scripts use ufsdump(8) once a week to create the clone disks. Error output is collected on the CPES and retained indefinitely at this time. Clearly this will need to be modified to purge the logs periodically. For the primary disk, the vfstab data is modified to allow the cloned disk to boot correctly without manual intervention. Only the boot disk need be specified at the SUN RSC [7,1] boot prompt. There is no need for modification to the PE disk clone. In fact, the PE clone uses the Cray pehotbackup(8)" [7,2] script that simply clones the data to the target disk.

As on the CNS, the CPES file systems are dumped to the CWS. Routes exist for this data transfer as part of the normal X1 Complex setup. Only three filesystems reside on the systems disk, /, /usr and /opt/home. All three are backed up to local files and then copied, using scp, to the CWS. Once the dump files are transferred to the CWS they will be captured on tape as part of the CWS tape backup 26-week backup cycles. Like the clone operation, the error output from the dump operation is stored on the CPES indefinitely.

The ARSC procedure for the CPES Backup can be viewed at section 12.3.

8 CPES Restore Details

The boot from clone has been defined and tested. From the CWS, telnet to the CPES0_rsc. Login as rscadm. The RSC prompt should be displayed. Enter or break enter should display the OK prompt. Then boot from disk1, the cloned disk. The ARSC procedure for booting the CPES from the cloned disk can be viewed at section 12.4.

The recovery procedure that would be followed in the event of a CPES replacement has not been tested. Sufficient data is available to recover the disks at the last cycle saved. The recovery procedure is expected to follow the general outline: replace the defective primary disk, boot from the cloned disk, use the dump image from the CPES or the CWS to recover the disk. This seems to be consistent with the Cray maintenance plan for the CPES. The Cray Programming Environment Server (CPES) Administration Guide - S-2362-21 , Chapter 3, Basic Operations, provides a procedure for replacing one of the Internal Fiber Channel drives. For the clone disk, replacing the disk and running the clone operation should be sufficient. In the event that a new machine is installed, as might be the case, it would be desirable to use the disks from the old machine, at least long enough to create a clone of the old system on the new system clone disk. At that point, the procedure is the same as if the primary disk had been replaced.

Recovering the CPES PE is relatively straightforward. The first step is to modify the existing /etc/vfstab so that it points to the cloned PE disk. Reboot the CPES and the cloned PE should be available. The CPES PE is not dumped to the CWS, nor are the filesystems maintained on the CPES. Once a new disk has been installed, the cloning script can be used to clone the cloned disk to the new primary. Then the vfstab can be reset to mount the primary PE disk and the system rebooted to return to normal operation. The ARSC procedure for the recovery of CPES PE can be viewed at section 12.5.

The recovery procedure for the PE in the event of an external disk enclosure failure has not been tested. It would be desirable to replace one or both of the disks with the disks from the old enclosure. At this time, ARSC is not dumping the PE filesystems to the CWS. Should it not be possible to use the old disks, a backup procedure will have to be put in place.

9 CWS Backup Details

The CWS backup strategy is straightforward and similar to that on the CPES. There are only two disks on the CWS, a primary disk and a clone disk. The clone process is run weekly and creates a clone of the primary with vfstab entries changed so that the clone can be booted in place. Error output from the clone operation is saved on the CWS indefinitely at this time.

As on the other systems, in addition to the clone, the file systems on the primary disk are dumped. In this case however, the /, /usr, /var, /opt, /export/crayl1, and /usr/openwin filesystems are dumped using ufsdump to the native tape drive installed on the CWS. In doing so, all of the dumps from the CNSs and CPES are also copied to tape. The tapes are retained for 26 weeks at which time the earliest tape is overlaid with the week 27 dump. A log of tape dump activity is stored on the CWS.

The ARSC procedure that describes the CWS clone and backup can be viewed in section 12.6.

10 CWS Restore Details

Details for the restore of data on the CWS are not yet complete. We have tested the procedure to reboot the CWS from the clone disk and it can be performed in the following way: Care should be exercised since the normal shut down for the X1 itself may be unavailable. If the X1 is active, hold jobs and attempt to shut down as much of the activity as possible. If the CWS is active, perform an X1 shut down as would normally be done. If the CWS is not active, hold all jobs on the X1 and shut down to single user mode. This is the default option for the shutdown(8) command. Sync the disks and issue a halt command. We would then contact Cray support to assist in powering down the switches, I/O drawers, and L1 controllers.

If the CWS is not at the OK prompt, return to the OpenBoot [10,1] OK prompt and boot disk2. That is the default alias for the clone disk. At the CWS login GUI, login as crayadm and boot the system as is normally done. The system should now be running on the cloned disk. The ARSC procedure for the boot of the CWS clone can be viewed at section 12.7.

The restoration of data to the primary disk has not yet been attempted at ARSC. It should follow procedures similar to those used on the CPES except the restores will be from tape. After the primary disk is replaced, it can be restored from the latest dump tape. The system can then be rebooted using the primary disk and the system should be returned to normal operations.

So far, ARSC has not experienced a CWS replacement. The recovery procedure is likely to take the form followed by the CPES in which the system is booted as a reinstalled new system. Once the new CWS can be booted, the clone scripts can be extracted from the latest dump tape and a clone of the primary disk made. The system would then be booted from the cloned disk, and the latest CWS backup tape can be restored to the new primary disk. The system can then be rebooted from the primary disk and a clone performed to restore the clone disk to the latest backup.

An even more desireable approach would be to use the disks from the old CWS. ARSC is still investigating the possiblility of being able to use this technique.

11 Summary

The administrative and security environment for the X1 Complex at ARSC requires that each of the machines, CPES, CNS, and CWS, are maintained as if they were standalone systems running their native operating system. This has had the affect of increasing the patch rate beyond that which is provided by the normal Cray update cycle. Additional locally introduced changes for security practices or to maintain traditional operating environments have introduced further change. As a result, the state of the ARSC systems are likely to remain substantially different than the current Cray release. In addition, the CNS system's software configuration appears to be in excess of that which is required to provide the routing and packing functions that they perform. As was noted, many packages were removed from the CNS to satisfy CSA findings. In order to minimize recovery time, it is necessary to maintain current backups and the procedures to recover the systems.

At ARSC we now have automated procedures for cloning the primary disks on the CPES, CNS, and CWS and capturing filesytems dumps for the same systems. The procedures to use the clone disks for rebooting and continuing operations are well defined and have been tested. The procedures for recovering the system from the dumped filesystems in the event of a total machine replacement are more complex and have not been fully tested. They depend on the character of the failure and the availability and the useablity of the disks from the old machine. If the disks from the replaced machine are useable and can be placed in the new disk, even temporarily, the process is greatly simplified. If this is not the case, then the procedures proposed above will need to be used, which will likely increase the recovery time.

Future work at ARSC in this area will be to design and test the recovery procedures that recognize the FRU philosopy used by Cray. Recovery of the CPES, CWS, and CNS from total system failure needs to be documented. In particular, there is still work to be done to include the disk replacement procedures for the SUN systems. Additional investigation is also likely to be conducted into the possiblility of providing mirroring software on the SUN systems. Also under investigation is the desireablility of adding tape drives to the CPES and CNS. Section 12, that follows, contains ARSC procedures that are currently in place.

12 ARSC Procedures

12.1 X1 CNS Dump


Describe the process for disk cloning on the X1 CNS.


Backup for an internal X1 machine such as the CNS is conducted in isolation from the normal ARSC system dumps. This procedure describes the method for the disk cloning used to provide recovery for the X1 CNS at ARSC.


  1. The primary disk on the CNS is partitioned as follows:
    Disk /dev/sda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 2213 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes
       Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/sda1             1        11     88326   de  Dell Utility
    /dev/sda2   *        12        77    530145   83  Linux
    /dev/sda3            78      2213  17157420    f  Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
    /dev/sda5            78       339   2104483+  83  Linux   (alternate root)
    /dev/sda6           340       601   2104483+  83  Linux   (alternate root)
    /dev/sda7           602       863   2104483+  83  Linux   (alternate root)
    /dev/sda8           864      1125   2104483+  82  Linux swap
    /dev/sda9          1126      2213   8739328+  83  Linux   (/var)
  2. Clone and dump scripts:
    1. /usr/local/sbin/
      1. Clone is performed once per week on Sunday from the root crontab.
      2. The clone script will accept a source partition, mount point, and backup device as input,"sda5 /clone sda6".
        • The source partition will be the current alternate root. If the current root is /dev/sda5, then the clone would go to /dev/sda6. When the CNS is upgraded, the next partition is used for the new root. If the current root is /dev/sda5, then the new root would be /dev/sda6 and the clone would go to /dev/sda7. /dev/sda7 is followed by /dev/sda5.
        • The mount point has been set to /clone.
        • The backup device will be one of the other alternate roots as described above.
        • Error output goes to "/var/local/logs/clone/last.clone.rpt".
        • The fstab on the clone is modified to boot cleanly from the new partition.
      3. When an upgrade is performed on the CNS, the next available alternate root partition is used. Since we are using that partition as the root clone, it will be overlaid with the new root. The old root should remain for recovery; however, the clone crontab entry must be modified to account for the new alternate root partition used for cloning. For example:
         #min    hour    daymo   month   daywk   cmd
         20     3       *       *       0   /usr/local/sbin/ sda5 /clone sda6 > /dev/null 2>&1
        would become
        #min    hour    daymo   month   daywk   cmd
         20     3       *       *       0   /usr/local/sbin/ sda6 /clone sda7 > /dev/null 2>&1
        and /dev/sda5 would contain the old root. 
    2. /usr/local/sbin/
      1. The dump of the /, /var and /boot file systems is done once per week on Sunday from the root crontab.
      2. Since the dump command dumps by file name, it will dump the mounted root, var and boot.
      3. The dump script accepts no input.
        • /sbin/dump -0 -f is used to perform the dump.
        • The output dump files will be /var/dump/CNS[0|1]root.dmp, /var/dump/CNS[0|1]var.dmp, and /var/dump/CNS[0|1]boot.dmp.
        • The script logs to /var/dump/dumplog.
        • The dump script copies the dump output from the CNS to the CWS in the /opt/dump/CNS[0|1] directory.
        • Administrative ssh is used to scp the files from CNS to the CWS.
        • The CNS dumps are captured to tape as part of the CWS dump to tape on Wednesday as part of the 26-week cycle of CWS tape dumps.

More Information:


Supporting Documents:

12.2 X1 CNS Boot From Clone


A dump image of the CNS0 and CNS1 boot disk is kept on the X1 CWS. It is cloned weekly as a basis for recovery in the event of a failure on the primary disk or in the event a new CNS machine was installed. This procedure describes how to reinstall the image and boot the recovered CNS primary disk.


Applies to X1 CNS0 and CNS1 primary disks.


  1. Booting from the Cloned Root Partition

    1. Locate and connect the TIP cable from the CWS to the CNS. The cable should be found in the lower rear of the cabinet containing the CNS and behind the CWS.

    2. From the CWS issue "tip -9600 /dev/ttya".

    3. Reboot the CNS.

    4. At the Lilo GUI, hit any key (except shift) within 4 seconds.

    5. At the boot: prompt, enter "Serial_Port root=/dev/sda6" [enter]

       Note:  the boot partition will change, depending on the 
      partition being used as the current root partiton.  Each root upgrade will rotate
      the clone root partition between /dev/sda5, /dev/sda6, and /dev/sda7.
    6. At this time the system should be functioning and running from the cloned root.
  2. Booting from a Failed or Replaced Disk

    1. Locate and connect the TIP cable from the CWS to the CNS. The cable should be found in the lower rear of the cabinet containing the CNS and behind the CWS.

    2. Power on the CNS and at the lilo gui prompt hit the <space bar> or an alpha key to stop the boot timer. Examine the boot possibilities (if any). If no lilo gui appears, there are probably no bootable partitions on the disk and they will need to be created and initalized using the CNS initial install process documented in the manual: Cray Network Subsystem Release Overview and Intallation Guide S-2366. Upon completing the initial installation, return to this document at the next step.

    3. On the CNS boot to single user mode by selecting the default Serial_Port boot option and adding an "S" to the boot command line:

      boot:  Serial_Port S
    4. On the CNS at the root password prompt enter the current root password. If this is a reinstall of the primary disk, the initial root password will be initial0.

    5. On the CNS, edit /etc/xinetd.d/wu-ftpd to allow the ftpd to accept connections from the CWS. disable = yes should be changed to disable = non this file.

    6. On the CNS mount the /var filesystem and change the ownership on the /var/home/crayadm if necessary. Early versions of the CNS software left this directory with 700 root:root permissions. Change the ownership to crayadm:root to allow ftp access from the CWS.

    7. Reboot the CNS. Don't enter anything on the boot command line at the lilo gui. The system should boot to multiuser mode.

    8. On the CWS, cd to /opt/dump/cnsA. The directory should contain:

      -rw-r--r--   1 root     other    18350080 Dec 16 08:51 cnsAboot.dmp
      -rw-r--r--   1 root     other    1003151360 Dec 16 08:51 cnsAroot.dmp
      -rw-r--r--   1 root     other    72212480 Dec 16 08:47 cnsAvar.dmp
      -rw-r--r--   1 jlm      cray       94517 Dec  9 11:02 dump-0.4b21-3.i386.rpm
      -rw-r--r--   1 root     other        248 Dec 22 13:08 partition_info
      All of these files except partition_info must be transferred to the CNS using ftp.
      	ftp 40.10.169.[1|2]    
      	Name: crayadm
      	Password: crayadm
      	ftp>put ./cnsAboot.dmp
      	ftp>put ./cnsAroot.dmp
      	ftp>put ./cnsAvar.dmp
      	ftp>put ./dump-0.4b21-3.i386.rpm
    9. On the CNS install the dump rpm package as root.

      	cnsA# cd ~crayadm
      	cnsA# rpm --install dump-0.4b21-3.i386.rpm
    10. On the CNS restore the root dump to the same device as was the default on the failed disk. The partition_info file on the CWS should contain this information.

      	cws>$  cat partition_info
      	Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
      	/dev/sda5              2071384    930824   1035336  48% /
      	/dev/sda2               521780     17900    477376   4% /boot
      	/dev/sda9              8602040   1146816   7018260  15% /var
      	cnsA# mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sda5
      	cnsA# mkdir /clone
      	cnsA# mount /dev/sda5 /clone
      	cnsA# cd /clone
      	cnsA# restore rf ~crayadm/cnsAroot.dmp
    11. On the CNS umount /boot, restore the image from the failed system and update the disk's boot block with lilo.

      	cnsA# umount /boot
      	cnsA# mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sda2
      	cnsA# mount /boot
      	cnsA# cd /boot
      	cnsA# restore rf ~crayadm/cnsAboot.dmp
      	cnsA# lilo
    12. On the CNS /etc/reboot. At the lilo gui prompt, hit the <space bar> or an alpha key to stop the time and select a single user boot.

      		cnsA# reboot
      		boot: Serial_Port S
    13. On the CNS after entering the root passwd for the production CNS root account, rebuild and restore the production /var filesystem. On a this LINUX system /tmp is a link to the /var/tmp. The restore command uses a temporary file in /tmp. To restore /var, you must remove the /tmp link. Then do the restore and replace the link. When the restore has completed, boot to multiuser mode on the rebuilt disk.

      	cnsA# mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sda9
      	cnsA# mount /var
      	cnsA# cd /
      	cnsA# rm /tmp
      	cnsA# mkdir /tmp
      	cnsA# cd /var
      	cnsA# restore rf /root/cnsAvar.dump
      	cnsA# cd /
      	cnsA# rmdir /tmp
      	cnsA# ln -s ./var/tmp /tmp
      	cnsA# reboot
    14. On the CNS allow the boot to proceed to multiuser mode, watching the boot output for an anomalies. The system should be fully restored.

    15. On the CNS terminate the TIP connection using ~. Unplug the TIP cables.

12.3 CPES Backup


Describe the process for disk cloning and filesystem backup on the X1 CPES.


Backup for an internal X1 machine such as the CPES is conducted in isolation from the normal ARSC system dumps. This procedure describes the method for the PE filesystem backup and disk cloning used to provide recovery media for the X1 CPES at ARSC.


  1. The disk installation on the CPES consists of four 73 GByte scsi disk. Two are internal and used for the system disk and the system clone. Two are external and used for the Programming Environment (PE) and PE clone.

           0. c0t0d0 
           1. c0t1d0 
           2. c2t0d0 
           3. c2t1d0 
  2. CPES Filesystem definitions:

    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 - /sv2         ufs - no rw,intr,largefiles,onerror=panic,suid,dev=800000
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 - /sv2/opt/ctl ufs - no rw,intr,largefiles,onerror=panic,suid,dev=800001
    /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s0 - /            ufs - no rw,intr,largefiles,onerror=panic,suid,dev=1d80008
    /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s1 - /var         ufs - no rw,intr,largefiles,onerror=panic,suid,dev=1d80009
    /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s4 - /var/crash   ufs - no rw,intr,largefiles,onerror=panic,suid,dev=1d8000c
    /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s5 - /opt         ufs - no rw,intr,largefiles,onerror=panic,suid,dev=1d8000d
    /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s6 - /usr         ufs - no rw,intr,largefiles,onerror=panic,suid,dev=1d8000e
    /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s7 - /opt/home    ufs - no rw,intr,largefiles,onerror=panic,suid,dev=1d8000f
  3. Relevant root crontab entries:

    	 30     3     *     *     0     /usr/software/adm/bin/clone c2t0 c2t1
    	 30     2     *     *     0     /usr/software/adm/bin/ 
    	 30     4     *     *     0     /usr/software/adm/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1
  4. Clone and dump scripts:

    1. /usr/software/adm/bin/clone c2t0 c2t1

      1. The clone script is an ARSC developed script using ufsdump/ufsrestore.
      2. The clone is performed once per week on Sunday.
      3. The clone script, "/usr/software/adm/bin/clone", will accept a source device and a backup device as input.
        • The source partition will be the current system disk c2t0.
        • The backup device will be the other internal disk, c2t1.
        • Error output goes to "/var/local/logs/clone/clone.YYYYMMDD.HHMM".
        • The /etc/vfstab on the clone is modified to boot cleanly from the new disk, c2t1.
    2. /usr/software/adm/bin/peclone

      1. The clone is performed once per week on Sunday.
      2. The clone script,, is a wrapper for a locally modified pehotbackup(8) [12.1] command.
        • The locally modified pehotbackup (8) script resides in /usr/local/adm/pkg/pe_clone/bin.
        • "pehotbackup -s 0 -c 1 c0t0d0 c0t1d0" uses ufsdump and ufsrestore to copy /sv2 (slice 0) and /sv2/opt/ctl (slice 1) from c0t0d0 to c0t1d0.
        • /opt/local/dump is used as the mount point for the ufsdump/ufsrestore.
        • Dump/restore output goes to "/var/local/logs/clone/peclone.YYYYMMDD.HHMM".
    3. /usr/local/sbin/

      1. The dump of the / and /usr files systems is done once per week on Sunday. The dump script accepts no input.
        • /sbin/ufsdump 0f is used to perform the dump.
        • The output dump files will be /var/local/dump/CPES0root.dmp and /var/local/dump/CPES0usr.dmp.
        • The script logs to /var/local/logs/dump/dumplog.
        • The dump script copies the dump output from the CPES to the CWS /opt/dump/CPES0/CPES0root.dmp file and /opt/dump/CPES0/CPES0usr.dmp .
        • Administrative ssh is used to scp the files from CPES to the CWS.
        • The CPES dumps are captured to tape as part of the CWS dump on Wednesday as part of the 26-week cycle of CWS tape dumps.

More Information:


Supporting Documents:

12.4 Booting the X1 CPES Clone


A dump image of the CPES boot disk is kept on the X1 CWS and on a backup disk drive on the CPES itself. Then clones are made weekly as a basis for recovery in the event of a failure on the primary disk or in the event a new CPES machine is installed. This procedure describes how to boot the cloned CPES disk.


Applies to X1 CPES primary disk.


  1. From the CWS, telnet to the CPES and login as rscadm.

    	$ telnet CPES0_rsc 
    	Connected to CPES0_rsc.CPES.
    	Escape character is '^]'.
    	RSC version 2.2 (CPESeg8)
    	Please login: rscadm
    	Please Enter password: 
  2. If the openboot OK prompt is not visable after the [enter] at the rsc> prompt, type break [enter] console [enter][enter].

  3. Boot from the cloned disk.
    	The primary disk is /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s0 alias disk 
    	The cloned disk is /dev/dsk/c2t1d0s0 alias disk1
    	ok> boot disk1
  4. This will boot the CPES into operational mode. If the X1 is off, there will be a 3 minute delay and the system may appear to be "hung" for that period. This is the result of NFS file system time outs.
    	rsc> ctl]
    	telnet> q

Review Frequency

Whenever the CPES is updated or a disk recovery is required.

12.5 Recovering the CPES PE


A dump image of the CPES PE which is embodied on /dsk/dev/c0t0d0 on slices s0 and s1 are cloned weekly to a backup disk on the CPES. In the event of a failure on the PE disk, this procedure describes how to recover the PE from the cloned CPES disk.


Applies to X1 CPES PE disk.


  1. From the CPES, modify the /etc/vfstab and reboot the CPES. The automount facility has control of the PE filesystems /sv2 and /sv2/opt/ctl. They cannot be unmounted. The vfstab can be modified to point at the cloned PE disk and will be mounted during the reboot.

    	$ vi /etc/vfstab   
    	#device         device          mount           FS      fsck    mount   mount
    	#to mount       to fsck         point           type    pass    at boot options
    	#/dev/dsk/c1d0s2 /dev/rdsk/c1d0s2 /usr          ufs     1       yes     -
    	fd      -       /dev/fd fd      -       no      -
    	/proc   -       /proc   proc    -       no      -
    	/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s3       -       -       swap    -       no      -
    	/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s0       /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s0      /       ufs     1       no      -
    	/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s6       /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s6      /usr    ufs     1       no      -
    	/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s1       /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s1      /var    ufs     1       no      -
    	/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s5       /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s5      /opt    ufs     2       yes     -
    	/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s7       /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s7      /opt/home       ufs     2       yes     -
    	/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s4       /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s4      /var/crash      ufs     2       yes     -
    	swap    -       /tmp    tmpfs   -       yes     -
    	/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0       /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0      /sv2    ufs     2       yes     -
    	/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1       /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s1      /sv2/opt/ctl    ufs     2       yes     -
    	x1-fc:/archive          -       /archive        nfs     -       yes     rw,intr,nosuid,noquota,soft,bg
    	The entries listed below:
    	#device         device          mount           FS      fsck    mount   mount
    	#to mount       to fsck         point           type    pass    at boot options
    	/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0       /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0      /sv2    ufs     2 yes     -
    	/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1       /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s1      /sv2/opt/ctl    ufs 2       yes     -
     	are changed to:
    	#device         device          mount           FS      fsck    mount   mount
    	#to mount       to fsck         point           type    pass    at boot options
    	/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0       /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0      /sv2    ufs     2 yes     -
    	/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s1       /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s1      /sv2/opt/ctl    ufs 2       yes     -
    	Save the vfstab.
  2. The CPES will reboot with the cloned program environment active.

Review Frequency

Whenever the CPES is updated or a disk recovery is required.

12.6 Dumping the CWS


Describe the process for disk cloning and filesystem backup on the X1 CWS.


Backup for an internal X1 machine such as the CWS is conducted in isolation from the normal ARSC system dumps. This procedure describes the method for the PE filesystem backup and disk cloning used to provide recovery for the X1 CWS at ARSC.


The disk installation on the CWS consists of two IDE disks. The two drives are used for the system disk and the system clone.

    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 - /              ufs - no rw,intr,largefiles,onerror=panic,suid,dev=2200000
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 - /usr/openwin   ufs - no rw,intr,largefiles,onerror=panic,suid,dev=2200003
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4 - /var           ufs - no rw,intr,largefiles,onerror=panic,suid,dev=2200004
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s5 - /usr           ufs - no rw,intr,largefiles,onerror=panic,suid,dev=2200005
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s6 - /export/crayl1 ufs - no rw,intr,largefiles,onerror=panic,suid,dev=2200006
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7 - /opt           ufs - no rw,intr,largefiles,onerror=panic,suid,dev=2200007
  2. Relevant root crontab entries:

    	30     3     *     *     0     /usr/software/adm/bin/clone c0t0 c0t2
    	30     4     *     *     3     /usr/software/adm/bin/backup /dev/rmt/0n
  3. Clone and dump scripts:

    1. /usr/software/adm/bin/clone c0t0 c0t2

      1. The clone script is an ARSC developed script using ufsdump/ufsrestore.
      2. The clone is performed once per week on Sunday.
      3. The clone script will accept a source device and a backup device as input.
        • The source device will be the current system disk c0t0.
        • The backup device will be one of the other internal disk, c0t2.
        • Error output goes to "/var/local/logs/clone/clone.YYYYMMDD.HHMM".
        • The /etc/vfstab on the clone is modified to allow a clean boot from the new disk.
    2. /usr/local/sbin/

      1. The dump of the /, /usr, /var, /opt, /export/crayl1 and /usr/openwin files systems is done once per week on Wednesday mornings. The dump to tape includes the /opt filesystem which contains the dumps from the CPES and the CNS machines in the /opt/dumps/CPES, /opt/dumps/CNS0 and /opt/dumps/CNS1 Dump tapes are accumulated each week on a 26-week cycle. The tapes are stored in the tape safe. The dump script accepts a tape device and mail address as input, but defaults to /dev/rmt/0n and .
        • /sbin/ufsdump 0f is used to perform the dump.
        • The script logs to /var/local/logs/backup/backup.YYYYMMDD.HHMM".

More Information:


Supporting Documents:

12.7 Booting the CWS Clone


A cloned backup disk of the CWS boot disk is available in the CWS. It is cloned weekly as a basis for recovery in the event of a failure on the primary disk This procedure describes boot the cloned disk.


Applies to X1 CWS secondary disk.


  1. Attempt to shutdown as much of the activity on the X1 as is possible. If the CWS is operational, perform a shutdown of the X1. It is not necessary or desirable to shutdown the CPES or CNS's. If the CWS is not available:

     	Login to X1from a remote terminal.
     	<systemname>> qstop @<systemname>
     	<systemname>> qstat                #get running job ids
     	<systemname>> qhold jobid [ ...]
     	<systemname>> qstat                #insure jobs are held
     	<systemname>> psview
     	shutdown to single user mode:  <systemname>% sudo shutdown -y -g 30
     	<systemname># sync
     	<systemname># sync
     	<systemname># sync
     	<systemname># halt
     	Contact Cray support and power off switches, I/O drawers and L1 controllers.
  2. If the system is not at the OK prompt, return to the openboot OK prompt and boot disk2. The primary disk is /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 alias disk. The clone disk is /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s0 alias disk2.

    	If not at an ok prompt, press stop and A simultaneously.  The ok prompt 
    	should be displayed.
    	OK boot disk2
  3. At the CWS login gui, login as crayadm.

  4. In a work window, su - , stop the dhcpd daemon, remove the old dhcpd.leases file, restart the cray_daemons and change the permissions on the newly formed dhcpd.leases file.

    	CWS$ sudo pkill dhcpd
     	CWS$ ps -ef | grep dhcp     #verify dhcpd is not longer running
     	CWS$ cd /opt/craycfg
     	CWS$ sudo rm ./dhcpd.leases
     	CWS$ sudo /etc/init.d/cray_daemons restart #Ignore Broke Pipes messages
     	CWS$ sudo chmod 644 dhcpd.leases
  5. Contact Cray Support to power up the top switch and subsidiary switches and controllers for the next steps

  6. In a crayadm window on CWS, monitor the dhcpd.leases file to insure that leases are being set for the devices being powered on.

    	CWS$ tail -f /opt/craycfg/dhcpd.leases 
  7. Power on the switches one at a time until all recognized with the l1net switchs command. Wait until the current switch is acquired before powering on the next switch.

    	CWS$ l1net switches
    	Cray X1 bootsys version 1.7 2003/06/06
    	No partition specified; using whole system
    	info will use old pl1sh method to spawn procs on L1s
    	info Partition is system
    	info This is sn7806
    	info boot:0VN0/p15 59 modules
    	probe interface znb0 Broadcast: 40.70.255
    	Switches: is a SUB switch on znb0 is a SUB switch on znb0 is TOP switch on znb0 is a SUB switch on znb0 is a SUB switch on znb0 is a SUB switch on znb0
  8. Start an x1wacs sessions in a crayadm window and monitor the system component power on status.

    	CWS$ x1wacs &
  9. Contact Cray Support to power on the I/O drawers.

  10. Contact Cray Support to power on the L1 controllers.

  11. After all modules are recognized, use the x1wacs pull down menu to clear L1 fault memory.

    Using the x1wacs, select power on from the sn7806 block popup menu to power up the X1. Observe the x1wacs display. All blocks should eventually turn green.

  12. The CWS should now be ready and a normal X1 boot can be initiated.

Review Frequency

Whenever the CWS is updated or a disk recovery is required.


DOS HPCMP Main Page.

Gudelines for Implementing Secure Access to HPCMP Systems. dren_secure_access_guidelines.pdf

Cray Inc.
Cray X1 Configuration and CWS Administration.

Cray Inc.
Cray Programming Environment Server (CPES) Administration Guide.

Cray Inc.
Cray Network Subsystem Release Overview and Installation Guide.

Department of Defense
DoD 8530.2-R Enclosure 6 - Information Assurance Vulnerability Alert Instruction (pdf).

Cray Inc.
Cray Network Subsystem Release Overview and Installation Guide.

Cray Inc.
Cray Network Subsystem Release Overview and Installation Guide.

SUN Inc.
Sun Remote System Control (RSC) User's Guide.

Cray Inc.
Cray Man Page for pehotbackup.

SUN Inc.
OpenBoot(TM) 3.x Command Reference Manual.

Cray Inc.
Cray Man Page for pehotbackup.

About the authors

Jan H. Julian is a Technical Services System Analyst at the Arctic Region Supercomputing Centere. He has been working with the Cray X1 for the last 9 months. Prior experience includes 12 years as a Systems Engineer with IBM Corporation and 7 years of experience with the National Weather Service as a system administator.

Liam O. Forbes Liam Forbes was co-Chair of the CUG Security SIG. In 1996 he started working at the Arctic Region Supercomputing Center as a High Performance Computing Systems Analyst. In 1998, he received a Masters of Science in Computer Science from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Recently, Liam was co-project lead installing and verifying the Cray X1 at ARSC. Currently a member of CUG, Usenix, and SAGE, Liam's interests include information security, system administration, stained glass, Highland bagpiping, and completing the house projects thought up by his wife.