Cray User Group Directory of User-submitted Software

Title Qman
Revision 1
Purpose a package to monitor diskspace requirements of batch jobs
Package type program + set of shellscripts
Application area operating system
Abstract Qman has two main functions: guarantee that a batch job can get all the diskspace it needs and tries to minimize tape consumption by DMF. (This last one is a bit hard to proof). It schedules batchjobs and controls the warning level of fsmon in such a way that it limits the total amount of diskspace needed by the active batchjobs and ensures enough diskspace is free for those jobs.
Submittor Gerben Jansen
Contact Gerben Jansen
Phone +31 20 5923000
SARA, Academic Computing Services Amsterdam
CUG Site Code SARA
Distribution method contact the following person:
Gerben Jansen,
Kruislaan 415,
1098 SJ Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
Distribution restrictions Unicos sites only
Copyright not-for-resale
License required no
License fee n.a.
Hardware CRAY YMP
Operating System UNICOS 6.x
Compiler(s) scc
Program support when schedule permits
Documentation README file, Makefile, user documentation, programmer documentation
Portability to other UNIX systems No
Additional comments Qman is doing what an operator could also do. It is fiddling with the fsmon warning level for a filesystem and moves jobs from stopped queues to running queues. It does not directly invoke DMF programs.
This distribution includes some modifications to Unicos and DMF programs. The purpose of these modifications is to charge the diskblocks allocated by recalled off-line files in the "# blocks used" field in the systems jobtableentry i.e. the number of consumed blocks in a job is the sum of the blocks allocated by newly created files and recalled off-line files.
These mods have been tested under Unicos 6.0 and 6.1

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Last update: April 28, 1998