Title | ResMan |
Revision | July, 1991 |
Purpose | Part of SDSC CPU quota SW; resource management utilities |
Package type | set of programs and a library |
Application area | Operating System |
Abstract | This software, combined with the SDSC CPU Quota software, provides a real-time, CPU time quota system for UNICOS. "Principle Investigators" and their groups are awarded specific amounts of Service Units (essentially CPU time). The PI then suballocations the allocation to the people in his/her group. The Resource Management utilities are used by SDSC aministrators, PIs and regular users to manage and examine their allocations. When the user or group run out of time, the CPU Quota deamon holds the NQS jobs (or kills them if not holdable) and kills the interactive processes. |
Submittor | Wayne Schroeder |
Contact | Wayne Schroeder |
Phone | (619) 534-5065 |
schroeder@sdsc.edu | |
Company/ Institution | San Diego Supercomputer Center |
CUG Site Code | SDSC |
Distribution method | contact the following person: schroeder@sdsc.edu |
URL | |
Distribution restrictions | UNICOS sites only |
Copyright | licensed, not-for-resale, was developed as a joint SDSC/CRI project. |
License required | yes |
License fee | $200 |
Hardware | Cray Y-MP |
Operating System | UNICOS 5.1 |
Compiler(s) | pcc |
Program support | on a continuous basis, for an additional $4,000 fee |
Documentation | README file, Makefile, man pages, programmer documentation |
Portability to other UNIX systems | Would require some changes, not allowed by license (SDSC retains rights) |
Additional comments | Requires SDSC CPU Quota Software (see related entry) which includes mods to login. You must remove the 'newacct' utility so that users cannot switch accounts after loging in. For most users, the CPU Quota Daemon charges at the initial nice value of the job; at SDSC we've set up NQS queues to run at different priorities and nice values. This is not an easy package to install and use but we have found it to be a very important addition to UNICOS at SDSC. CTSS (which we were running before we switched to UNICOS in December of 1989) had a feature something like this. We are working on a Kernel version of this which would be simplier, somewhat more efficient and would allow users to change the account. CRI is looking at implementing something like this, probably based on some of this software, for UNICOS 8.0. We have been running this at SDSC since the summer of 1990. Its quite reliable although, once in a great while, we have to restart the daemon. The CPU Quota Enforcement system was a joint project between the San Diego Supercomputer Center and Cray Research, Inc. under the auspices of the University Research and Development Grant Program. A description of the initial SDSC CPU quota system was presented at the April, 1990 (Toronto) CUG. The paper, "Implementation of the UNICOS CPU Quota Enforcement System" by Thomas E. Hutton is in the proceedings and may be consulted for further background information. |