Cray User Group Directory of User-submitted Software

Revision 1.0
Purpose 3D graphics library
Package type Subroutine library
Application area Visualization
Abstract DRAWP3D is a locally developed 3D graphics library. It may be used to create and manipulate 3D data models. It is callable from FORTRAN or C. The library will create a P3D file, a locally developed method for storing a 3D model. Related software can extract the information from the P3D file (which is actually a LISP program!), accept information about lighting, vantage point, and so on, and display or manipulate the model.
Submittor Joel Welling
Contact Anjana Kar
Phone 412-268-4960
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
4400 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA, 15213
CUG Site Code PSC
Distribution method ftp
Distribution restrictions none
Copyright Copyright by PSC. Users may do what they want with a copy of the software at their site, or redistribute the code without change and without charge.
License required no
License fee n.a.
Operating System UNICOS 6.0
Compiler(s) CC, CFT77
Program support When schedule permits
Documentation README file, Makefile, user documentation, test data
Portability to other UNIX systems VAX/VMS, DECstations
Additional comments Requires a P3D renderer, such as PDBMODEL, DUMP-P3D, the OpenLook renderer OLP3D, or the Motif renderer MP3D, all available as part of the P3D distribution. One of the more interesting renderers for the P3D files created by DRAWP3D allows a user to interactively "fly through" the model. An example of this activity is available from the PSC as a videotape. Contact the PSC and request the PSC Animation Tape with the "Los Angeles Fly By".

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Last update: April 14, 1998