Software Tools

Application of Fortran Pthreads on Linear Algebra and Scientific Computing
Clay Breshears, Henry Gabb, and Mark Fahey
Pthreads is a POSIX standard library for expressing concurrency on uniprocessor and symmetric multiprocessor computers. Typical multithreaded applications include database manipulation, operating systems, or any algorithm displaying task-level concurrency. These types of programs are generally coded in C. Hence, the POSIX standard only defines a C interface to Pthreads. The lack of a standard Fortran interface has limited the use of Pthreads for scientific and numerically intensive applications. However, many of these applications would benefit from multithreading. For example, the manipulation and solution of dense linear systems with 10,000 to 40,000 simultaneous equations are made up of many independent tasks that may be executed concurrently. The effectiveness of Fortran and Pthreads for scientific programming will be demonstrated using two linear algebra routines (matrix multiplication and Gaussian elimination) and two algorithms from the Command, Control, Communication, and Intelligence Benchmark. This work builds on the Fortran interface to Pthreads presented at the 40th Cray Users Group Conference.

Development Tools Update
Bill Cullen
During this talk, users will hear about current Debugger and Performance Tool offerings on IRIX. Specifically, the talk will highlight features that have gone into the WorkShop IDE, SpeedShopProMP. In addition, this talk will cover future plans for development tools on IRIX, LinuxNT.

The Integrative Role of COW's and Supercomputers in Research and Education Activities
Don Morton
Experiences of researchers and students are presented in the porting of code between a cluster of Linux workstations at The University of Montana and the Cray T3E at the Arctic Region Supercomputing Center. We test the thesis that low-cost workstation environments may be utilized for training, and to develop and debug parallel codes which can ultimately be moved to the Cray T3E with relative ease for realizing high performance gains. We further present ideas on how the computing environments of supercomputers and COW's might benefit from more commonality.

Panel Discussion: Is write still the Best Debug/Performance Analysis Tool Available?
Guy Robinson
As many programmers know, there is much activity aimed at creating debuggers and performance tools to aid in code development. However, the majority of programmers still use write statements and human logic combined with knowledge of the applications when finding bugs or performance bottlenecks. This panel’s members will discuss two questions, why write statements are preferred and why programmers should use a debugger/performance analysis tool.

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