Laplace Equation Solver - Streamed
18 1 -------- do it=1,itmax
20 M--1v ------- do j=2,jm1
21 M 12v ------ do i=2,im1
22 M 12v du(i,j)=0.25*(u(i-1,j)+u(i+1,j)
27 12v dumax=max(dumax,abs(du(i,j)))
30 M--12 ------- do j=2,jm1
31 M 12v ------ do i=2,im1
32 M 12v u(i,j)=u(i,j)+du(i,j)
35 1 write (1,*) it,dumax
- First, let is revisit the Laplaces equation solver. Recall that SSP performance was about 30% of the T90 due to limited cache utilization
- This is the loopmark listing with addntl annotations
- 3 additional MSP optimization;
- Note that reduction operation @25 not streamed