XTreme SIGThe XTreme meeting this CUG was conducted for the first time during the normal CUG week over two half-day sessions (May 5 & 7) and was well attended by numerous sites: ARSC, AWE, CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd., CSCS, DMI, Hector/HPCX, NAVO, NERSC, NICS, ORNL, PSC, SNL, U of Bergen. and UT-Knoxville. Top 3 Site Issues – Dave Wallace of Cray The first meeting started off with the discussion entitled “Top 3 Site Issues”. Various sites pre-submitted their top three pressing issues and Dave presented Cray’s respond to each. Items ran the gamut from Crayport usability, compute node health, login node stability, little penguin vs. big penguin requirements on compute nodes, RAS, Lustre failover, esLogin node support, user access to release notes, job summary statistics, trace back capabilities, requirement to relink apps under CLE, slippage of LA & GA releases, APLS ease of use and recoverability, CLE seems less user-friendly than Catamount, HSS software scalability, filesystem management tools, and support of CSA accounting. Software Deployment Rate - Charlie Carroll & Janet Lebens Cray expressed a concern that they appear to be producing software faster than sites can deploy it. Cray has moved from quarterly releases to half-yearly to annual releases. Cray pointed out that there are a number of sites that are still running Catamount 1.5. An observation by Cray that production systems can’t upgrade as fast as Cray is releasing software was discussed. Cascade Market Requirements Overview - Dave Wallace This presentation focused on the discussion of customer requirements, which included Marketing and Service generated requirements for Cascade. Cray wanted input from XTreme sites with their obvious customer point of view. The Marketing and Service requirements included a few existing product requirements but Dave requested XTreme’s help in creating a more definitive set of requirements with Cray. Business Session, Wrap-Up, and Open Discussion Next meeting will be held on the Sunday (November 15, 2009) before SC09 in Portland. Elections Jim Craw of NERSC was elected SIG Chair and Kurt Carlson was elected SIG deputy. Former SIG Chair Ann Baker of ORNL |