Tuesday |
Parallel Sessions |
3A Security and User Seervices |
3B Mass Storage |
3C Software Tools |
Meeting the Requirements of a "Security Test and Evaluation" with UNICOS and IRIX Virginia Bedford (ARSC) |
KART: A Simple Client/server Interface to Access Different Tape Devices at CINECA Site Sergio Bernardi (CINECA) |
Development Tools Update Bill Cullen (SGI) |
The First Ten Steps to Securing a Unix Host Liam Forbes (ARSC) |
FibreChannel and Storage Area Networks on the Origin2000 Thomas Ruwart, University of Minnesota |
The Integrative Role of COW's and Supercomputers in Research and Education Activities Don Morton (ARSC) |
Allocations on the WebBeyond Removable Tape Barbara Woodall (OSC) |
CXFS: A Clustered File System from SGI R. Kent Koeninger (SGI) |
Application of Fortran Pthreads on Linear Algebra Routines Clay Breshears, Henry Gabb, and Mark Fahey (NRC_VBURG) |
Break | ||
General Session | |||
SGI Software Report Mike Booth (SGI) |
SGI Hardware Report Steve Oberlin (SGI) |
Lunch | ||
Parallel Sessions |
5A Compilers and Libraries |
5B Networking |
5C Performance and IRIX |
Strategies and Obstacles in Converting a Large Production System to FORTRAN 90 (f90) on a T90. David Gigrich (BCS) |
Super Computer Communications Ralph Niederberger (KFA) |
How Moderate-Sized RISC-Based SMPs Can Outperform Much Larger Distributed Memory MPPs Daniel Pressel, Walter B. Sturek, J. Sahu, and K.R. Heavey (USARL) |
A Solver that Learns Thomas Elken (SGI) |
Systems Issues in Building Gigabyte Networks Joe Gervais (SGI) |
Performance Evaluation of MPI and MPICH on the CRAY T3E Hans-Hermann Frese (ZIB) |
What's New in the Message Passing Toolkit Karl Feind (SGI) |
GSN and ST: Infrastructures for High Bandwidth, Low Latency Communications Brad Strand (SGI) |
IRIX Scalability Gabriel Broner (SGI) |
Break | ||
4:00-5:30 | SV1 Patti Langer (SGI) |
Origin2000 Dave Morton (SGI) |
IRIX Release Plans Betsy Zeller (SGI) |
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