Wednesday |
Parallel Sessions |
7B Applications |
7C User Services |
T3E Resilience Update Dean Elling (SGI) |
Experiences Porting a CFD Parallel Code to Fortran 90 Including Object-Oriented Programming Jean-Pierre Grégoire (EDF) |
SGI Technical Publications Strategy Laurie Mertz (SGI) |
T3E Scheduling Update Jay Blakeborough (SGI) |
Performance of the Parallel Climate Model on the SGI Origin 2000 and the Cray T3E Thomas Bettge, Anthony Craig, Rodney James, Warren G. Strand, Jr., and Vincent Wayland (NCAR) |
High Performance Computing at the University of Utah: A User Services Overview Julia Caldwell (CHPCUTAH) |
GigaRing SWS and I/O Status Paul Falde (SGI) |
Teraweb: Browser-Based High Performance Computing Joel Neisen, David Pratt, and Ola Bildtsen (MINN) |
Providing Extra Service: What To Do With Migrated User Files? R.K. Owen (NERSC) |
Break | ||
General Session | |||
CUG Election Candidates Bruno Loepfe (ETHZ) |
SGI Service Report Bob Brooks (SGI) |
12:25 | CUG Election Results | ||
Lunch | ||
Parallel Sessions |
9A Performance |
9B Operations |
9C Visualization |
Optimizing AMBER for the CRAY T3E Robert Sinkovits and Jerry Greenberg (SDSC) |
IRIX/Windows NT Interoperability Hank Shiffman (SGI) |
Reality Monster Volume Rendering James Painter, Al McPherson, and Pat McCormick (LANL) |
Performance Metrics for Parallel Systems Daniel Pressel (USARL) |
An Examination of the Issues in Implementing the PBS Scheduler on a SGI Onyx2/Origin2000 Sandra Bittner (ARGONNE) |
Interacting with Gigabyte Volume Datasets on the Origin2000 Steve Parker, Peter Shirley, Yarden Livnat, Charles Hansen, Peter-Pike Sloan, and Michael Parker (CHPCUTAH) |
Performance Characteristics of Messaging Systems on the T3E and the Origin 2000 Mark Reed, Eric Sills, Sandy Henriquez, Steve Thorpe, and Lee Bartolotti (NCSC) |
LSF Workload Management System Status and Plans Jack Thompson (SGI) and John Feduzzi, Platform Computing Corporation |
Distributed Memory Octree Algorithms for Interactive, Adaptive, Multiresolution Visualization of Large Data Sets Raymond Loy and Lori Freitag (ARGONNELAB) |
Break | ||
10B Mass Storage |
10C User Services |
Clustering--Operational and User Impacts Sarita Wood (SS-SSD) |
Cray Data Migration Facility and Tape Management Facility Update Neil Bannister and Laraine Mackenzie (SGI) |
Compilers and Libraries Update Jon Steidel (SGI) |
Cluster UDB for SV1 Clusters Richard Lagerstrom (SGI) |
Storage Management--Seven Years and Seven Lessons with DMF Robert Bell (CSIRO) |
Scientific Library Update Mimi Celis (SGI) |
UNICOS and UNICOS/mk Release Plans and Status Laura Mikrut (SGI) |
Performance Evaluation of New STK ACS Tape Drives in an SGI/Cray Mainframe Environment Ulrich Detert (KFA) |
Co-Array Fortran Robert Numrich (SGI) |
7:00 |
CUG Night Out |
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