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Program Notes

Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings

The Special Interest Groups (SIGs) hold interactive sessions that are open to all interested CUG attendees. A separate interactive session will be held again this year for each Cray platform: Monday’s SIG will cover the Cray X1, Tuesday’s will be for the Cray XT3, and Wednesday’s session will be for the Cray XD1. These meetings provide a forum to become acquainted with people from other CUG sites who share your interests, to discuss the future direction of the SIG and other important issues, and to hear talks of special interest. Liaisons from Cray Inc. will be available for each SIG to help address questions and to foster communications between the SIG and Cray. You are encouraged to attend any of these open meetings.

Program Suggestions

The Program Committee needs your ideas! We encourage you to share your suggestions of how to improve the conference with the CUG Vice-President, CUG Directors, and/or any of the SIG Chairs. The CUG Conference Program is the net result of the combined efforts of all interested CUG participants. You can make a unique contribution to the next CUG conference!

Conference Evaluation and Cray Inc. Service Survey

The CUG 2006 Evaluation and the Cray Inc. Service Survey will be available online starting Wednesday, May 10 at 8:00 AM until Thursday, May 11 at 5:00 PM. Please go to and take time to complete them both. Once you’ve completed them, please stop by the CUG office. We have a gift for you.

Cell Phone and Pager Policy

Please turn off your cell phone and/or pager during conference sessions.

Changes to the Program

We always anticipate there will be some changes to the Program schedule. Check the Message Board on site at the conference each day for schedule changes. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

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