
Information for Authors


Papers presented at CUG Conferences and Workshops shall be original works and may not be works submitted for other conferences or publications.

Authors are required to submit both a complete paper and the accompanying presentation. The abstract, paper, and presentation will be published in the associated CUG Proceedings. Conference attendees will have authenticated access to the CUG Program and Proceedings shortly after the associated conference.

Authors may appropriately mark abstracts, papers and presentations that contain time-sensitive and/or proprietary material. In the absence of such markings, the abstracts, paper, and presentation will be published online and made publically available approximately six months after the conference.

Best Paper Award

During the CUG Conference General Session CUG will recognize the conference’s Best Paper. To be eligible, papers must be submitted in electronic format in accordance with the deadline listed in the call for papers. Late papers will not be considered for the Best Paper Award.

Selected Papers for CCPE Journal Special Issue

CUG will typically publish a special issue of the “Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience” (CCPE) Journal comprised of selected CUG papers. To be eligible, papers must be submitted in electronic format in accordance with the deadline listed in the call for papers. Late papers will not be considered for the special journal selection.  Accepted authors need to update their papers for the CCPE journal format.

Guidelines for Papers

The suggested paper size is 7,000 words or less. This is equivalent to approximately 15 pages, including all figures, tables, references, and appendices. The Cray User Group has adopted the IEEE Computer Society Style Guide for all published papers.

Use the double column 8.5″ x 11″ format. Papers must be submited in PDF format.

CUG Conference Submission System

The Submission System is available from the Opening Date for Submissions through the last day of each CUG Conference. During that time, the capabilities available to Authors will change to reflect existing deadlines. There will be specific windows of time for Submissions, Paper and Presentation Upload, and Paper and Presentation Updates. All submission should be done through the CUG Conference Submission System. Authors must establish an account within the submission system that may then be used to manage their submission materials.