
CUG 2021

The Cray User Group will be hosting the annual CUG conference virtually the first week of May.  Featured will be a technical program with papers, presentations, BoFs, Q&As and more.  We look forward to helping you share your valuable insights and findings with the broader CUG community.

We are working to ensure that the virtual experience maximizes the value for all of our participants and the technical program is subject to final confirmation at this time.

Program information

A link to the virtual platform will be emailed to all registered attendees before the start of the conference. Note: the main requirement to connect is a Zoom client.

Sessions will contain multiple talks – pre-recorded and live – that are grouped by topic. Each session will have a moderator who will coordinate time keeping and discussions. Sessions will be held in a zoom meeting that is only available to registered attendees. Presenters of live talks will share their screens and control their own slides.

Sessions will consist of several live talks in quick succession followed by time for Q&A. This Q&A time is for both the live talks and pre-recorded talks. 

Pre-recorded talks will not be played live over zoom. However, they will be posted in advance and attendees are strongly encouraged to review the available content and view it at their own schedule. You are encouraged to attend the Q&A session and ask questions there or throughout the conference through the spatial.chat platform.

Authors of pre-recorded talks should make themselves available during the Q&A session and are encouraged to participate in the discussion.

Sessions will be recorded and made available to attendees on the live platform in order to accommodate diverse timezones of our members.

BoF/ SIG sessions and tutorials will be held throughout the days following the conference. Zoom connection information will be through the same event platform and access is limited to registered attendees.

Presenter information

Presenters will join their sessions via the same virtual event platform links that attendees will use. Each registered attendee will receive a link to the platform via email. Following the links in the virtual platform will result in joining the appropriate Zoom meeting. Once in the Zoom meeting associated with a session you will be able to share your screen and present your slides at the appropriate time. The moderator of each session will facilitate time keeping and Q&A.

Pre-recorded talks will not be played live over zoom. However, they will be posted in advance and made available to attendees. Attendees are encouraged to seek out authors of pre-recorded sessions for questions and as such authors of pre-recorded talks should make an effort to be available.

Note the format is somewhat different than what you may be used too for Q&A. Since our program features many talks that group well by topic those talks will be given back to back followed by a combined Q&A session for those talks. For Example

A schedule for a session that contains talks A, B and C might look like:

  • talk A – 15 minutes
  • talk B – 15 minutes
  • talk C – 15 minutes
  • Q&A / panel for talks A,B, and C ~ 10 minutes
  • break / continued discussion in conference spatial.chat instance