
Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are organized by subject areas rather than by platform. The Programming Environments, Applications and Documentation SIG deals with user support and application development topics. The Systems Support SIG covers topics related to operations, systems & integration, and operating systems. The XTreme Systems SIG works very closely with Cray, under Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA), to provide valuable input into the Cray system development cycle. Members must submit an application to the XTreme SIG chair to join that group in addition to having an NDA on file with Cray.

Programming Environments, Applications and Documentation

Review the Charter

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Chair: Chris Fuson (ORNL) fusoncb@ornl.gov
Deputy Chair: Brandon Cook (NERSC) BGCook@lbl.gov
Deputy Chair: Eva Siegmann (Stony Brook) eva.siegmann@stonybrook.edu
Deputy Chair: Ben Cumming (CSCS) benjamin.cumming@cscs.ch 
HPE SIG Liaisons

Kaylie Anderson (HPE) kaylie.anderson@hpe.com

Systems Monitoring Working Group
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Chair: Massimo Benini (CSCS)
Contact: Lena Lopatina (LANL) lena@lanl.gov
Contact: Steve Leak (LBL) sleak@lbl.gov
HPE Liaison
Jeff Hanson jeff.hanson@hpe.com
XTreme Systems
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Chair: Paul Peltz Jr. (ORNL) peltzpl@ornl.gov
Deputy Chair: Jared Baker (NCAR) jbaker@ucar.edu
HPE SIG Liaison
Azita F. Sadri azita.sadri@hpe.com
HPC Security
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Chair (Acting): Aaron Scantlin (LBNL) ascantlin@lbl.gov
Deputy Chair (Acting): Alan Stradling (LANL) stradling@lanl.gov
HPE SIG Liaison
Alex King alex.king@hpe.com