
CUG Board Responsibilities Prospectus – 2021

The Cray User Group is committed to the achievement of equal opportunity within the HPC community and throughout society as a whole. In this regard, CUG will recruit volunteers, hire contractors, and provide services to persons based upon their individual qualifications. CUG events are subject to a code of conduct.  The CUG Board of Directors encourages member sites to nominate diverse candidates for open Board positions that represent the breadth of our member organizations. An independently chaired nominating committee is responsible for soliciting candidates for CUG Board positions. Nominations by petition are also accepted directly from member site voting representatives.

The following roles are up for election during our general meeting in the next two years:

  • Treasurer (2021)
  • Secretary (2021)
  • Two Directors-at-Large (2021)
  • President (2022)
  • Vice President (2022)
  • Director-at-Large (2022)

The Cray User Group is led by a volunteer-based Board of Directors, a summary of responsibilities and requirements is included below to help guide prospective nominees.

Responsibilities: In addition to the informal summaries below section 7 of the CUG by-laws describes the official responsibilities for the four officer positions (included at the end of this page for reference).

  • The Director-at-large positions and Past President position take on duties as assigned unless the board makes a specific designation or the director is mentoring for a future officer position. Currently the board has a director dedicated as a sponsor liaison, one that is responsible for surveys, and one that is responsible for CUG communications (web site, social media, and other marketing collateral).
  • The President works to organize meetings and keep the board on track for conference planning and regular business issues. Typically, the Past-President is still on the board to help mentor for this role and provide key support as needed such as reviewing venue contracts or working with contractors to outsource duties from the board.
  • The Vice President’s primary duty is to lead the technical conference program. CUG has developed a significant program committee to conduct reviews and provide input so the key duty is to stay on schedule to ensure key program milestones are achieve and volunteers are being effectively utilized. The VP also leads advisory committee (AC) meetings that occur at the annual conference consisting of the program committee and SIG chairs/deputies. These AC meetings are focused on reviewing the CUG program structure/content and shaping future conference direction. Beginning in 2018 we added an additional volunteer to help with the production of the special issue journal that is released after the annual conference.
  • The Secretary takes all official notes and meetings and is responsible for documenting action items for the board. The Secretary also works with the Treasurer to maintain current membership roles and manage mailing lists and other communication as-needed. Starting in 2020 we engaged contracted help to manage a formal CRM database and restructure outgoing communications to members, voting representatives, attendees, and sponsors.
  • The Treasurer ensures the CUG books are balanced and interfaces with external companies for specific tasks such as corporate records and annual tax filings. This individual needs to be based in the United States (but not necessarily a US-Citizen). Along with the President they make up the finance committee and review contracts and sign any agreements CUG enters into.

Travel/Meeting Requirements: The meeting responsibilities are straight-forward. Board meetings in fall (2-days), spring (2-days), and the conference (~5-7 days) are the required travel to fully participate. Due to COVID-19 related travel restrictions much of the Board effort has been conducted virtually in 2020 (expected to continue into 2021). Other supporting meetings to examine potential sites, negotiate site/hotel/venue contracts are more limited to key officers such as the President, Treasurer, and VP when possible to select the location for a future conference. International travel is required since the conference bounces between US and non-US. There are no “recurring” teleconferences or other meetings.The current board handles everything through email, slack, and discussions on an as-needed basis. If the CUG finances are in good order, and the board approves, conference registration is provided for board members at no cost. Where possible comp nights earned through hotel contracts are used to offset board member travel expenses. CUG funds the majority of meals during meetings and the conferencefor board members.

Appendix: Section 7 of the By-laws

7.6 The President. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation and shall have general supervision over the affairs to the Corporation, subject to the control of the Board of Directors. The President shall, if present, preside at all General Meetings, and at all meetings of the Board of Directors. In general, the President shall perform all the duties incident to the office of the chief executive officer of a corporation and such other duties as are provided for by these Bylaws and as from time to time may be assigned to the President by the Board of Directors.

7.7 The Vice President. At the request of the President, or in the President’s absence the Vice President shall perform all duties of the President and in so acting shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President. The Vice President shall perform such other duties as may from time be assigned to the Vice President bythe President or by the Board of Directors.

7.8 The Secretary. The Secretary shall act as secretary of all meetings of the Board of Directors, and of the Members of the Corporation, and shall keep the minutes thereof in the proper medium to be provided for that purpose. The Secretary shall cause all notices required to be given by the Corporation to be duly given and served; shall have charge of the other books, records and papers of the Corporation; shall cause the report, statements and other documents required by law to be properly kept and filed; shall maintain a current list of Members and be responsible for Membership applications; shall act as editor for correspondence received for publication and distribute this information at intervals not greater than six months; and shall, in general, perform all the duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to the Secretary by the Board of Directors or by the President.

7.9 The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect, and keep account of all monies received and expended for the use of the Corporation. The Treasurer shall deposit sums received by the Corporation in the name of the Corporation in such depositories as shall be approved by the Board of Directors; prepare appropriate financial reports for review by the Board of Directors; and be a member of the Finance Committee.