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CUG 09 Proceedings

Links to papers and slides are in blue below. To read the abstract of a presentation, go to the abstracts page and search for the presenter's name or the presentation title. Click here for the final printed program in pdf format.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


6 General Session
8:30 Introduction, Nicholas P. Cardo, Program Chair, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)
Cray Corporate Update, Peter Ungaro, President & Chief Executive Officer, Cray Inc.
Cray Product Roadmap, Steve Scott, Chief Technology Officer, Cray Inc.
Cray Software Update, Peg Williams, Senior Vice President of Engineering, Cray Inc.
10:00 Break
7 General Session
10:30 Arthur Bland, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Jaguar: The World's Most Powerful Computer
11:00 1 on 100 (or more), Peter Ungaro, President & Chief Executive Officer, Cray Inc. (No other Cray personnel and no Cray Vendor Partners please.)
12:00 Lunch
8 Technical Sessions
  8A 8B 8C
1:00 Stephen Bique and Robert Rosenberg, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Fast Generation of High-Quality Pseudorandom Numbers and Permutations Using MPI and OpenMP on the Cray XD1
Michael Summers, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), DCA++: Winning the Gordon Bell Prize with Generic Programming


Chair, Ann Baker, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

1:30 Olaf Storaasli, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Dave Strenski, Cray Inc., Exceeding 100X Speedup/FPGA
Cray XD1 Timing Analysis Yields Further Gains
Zhengji Zhao, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), Applications of the LS3DF Method in CeSe/CdS Core/shell Nano Structures

Christopher Porter, Platform Computing, Challenges and Solutions of Job Scheduling in Large Scale Environments
Oralee Nudson and Craig Stephenson, Arctic Region Supercomputing Center (ARSC), Benchmarking and Evaluation of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model on the Cray XT5
2:30 Break
9 Technical Sessions
  9A 9B 9C
3:00 Yousu Chen, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Application of Cray XMT for Power Grid Contingency Selection
Lucian Anton, HPCX Consortium (HPCX), Improving CASINO Performance for Models with Large Number of Electrons


Chair, Ann Baker, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

3:30 Michael Ringenburg, Cray Inc., Optimizing Loop-level Parallelism in Cray XMT™ Applications
Xingfu Wu, Texas A&M University, Using Processor Partitioning to Evaluate the Performance of MPI, OpenMP and Hybrid Parallel Applications on Dual- and Quad-core Cray XT4 Systems
4:00 Ian Miller, Cray Inc., Cray CX1 Overview Neil Stringfellow for Rolf Rabenseifner, High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), Communication Characteristics and Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Parallel Programming on Clusters of Multi-core SMP Nodes
4:30 Break
10 Interactive Sessions and BoFs
  10A BoF 10B BoF 10C BoF
4:45 CX1, Ian Miller, Cray Inc. CrayPort, Mary Johnston, Cray Inc.
Open for BoF
5:45 Break
Cray Inc. Social in the Omni Hotel Atrium Terrace B (Attendees and their guests are welcome.)

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