Monday |
1 Tutorials |
1A |
1B |
8:00 |
Luiz DeRose and John Levesque, Cray Inc., A Methodical Approach for Scaling Applications to 100,000 Cores
Slides |
Steve Deitz, Cray Inc., Introduction to Chapel–A Next-Generation HPC Language
Slides |
10:30 |
Break |
2 Opening General Session |
11:00 |
Welcome, David Gigrich, CUG President, The Boeing Company (BOEING)
Introduction, James B. White III (Trey), Local Arrangements Chair, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Invited Talk: Challenges in Climate Change Research: Computation as an Enabling Technology, James J. Hack, Director, National Center for Computational Sciences, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) |
12:00 |
Lunch |
3 Technical Sessions |
3C |
1:00 |
Shane Canon, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), GPFS on a Cray XT
Slides |
Troy Baer, National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS), Comparison of Scheduling Policies and Workloads on the NCCS and NICS XT4 Systems at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Slides |
Luiz DeRose, Cray Inc., The Cray Programming Environment: Current Status and Future Directions |
1:30 |
Jason Temple, CSCS–Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), DVS as a Centralized File System in CLE
Slides |
Scott Jackson, Cluster Resources, Unifying Heterogeneous Cray Resources and Systems into an Intelligent Single-Scheduled Environment
Slides |
Mark Pagel, Cray Inc., Scaling the MPT Software on the CRAY XT5 System and Other New Features
Slides |
2:00 |
Galen Shipman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), The Spider Center Wide File System: From Concept to Reality
Slides |
Bill Nitzberg, Altair Engineering, Inc., Select, Place, and Vnodes: Exploiting the PBS Professional Architecture on Cray Systems
Slides |
Dan Bonachea, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Porting GASNet to Portals: Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) Language Support for the Cray XT
Slides |
2:30 |
Break |
4 Technical Sessions |
4C |
3:00 |
Michele Weiland, HPCX Consortium (HPCX), Performance Evaluation of Chapel's Task Parallel Features
Slides |
James Craw, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) and Janet Lebens, Cray Inc., Post-Mortem of the NERSC Franklin XT Upgrade to CLE 2.1
Slides |
YikLoon Lee, ERDC MSRC (ERDCMSRC), Some Issues in the Development of Overset Grid CFD using
One- and Two-Sided Communication
Slides |
3:30 |
Steve Deitz, Cray Inc., HPCC STREAM and RA in Chapel: Performance and Potential
Slides |
Jason Schildt, Cray Inc., System Administration Data Under CLE 2.2 and SMW 4.0
Slides |
Oreste Villa, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Effects of Floating-point Non-associativity on Numerical Computations on Massively Multithreaded Systems
Slides |
4:00 |
Alan Gray, HPCX Consortium (HPCX), An Evaluation of UPC in the Ludwig Application
Slides |
Ricky Kendall, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Slow Nodes Cost Your Users Valuable Resources. Can You Find Them?
Slides |
Richard Loft, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Optimizing High-Resolution Climate Variability Experiments on the Cray XT4 and XT5 Systems at NICS and NCCS
Slides |
4:30 |
Scott Thornton, University of Tennessee, Introducing the MADNESS Numerical Framework for Petascale Computing
Slides |
Charlie Carroll, Cray Inc., Cray Operating System Road Map
Slides |
Mike Ashworth, HPCX Consortium (HPCX), Future Proof Parallelism for Electron-Atom Scattering Codes on the XT4
Slides |
5:00 |
Break |
5 Interactive Sessions |
5A |
5B |
5C |
5:15-6:00 |
Open Discussion with CUG Board, Chair, Nicholas P. Cardo, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) |
Applications and Programming Environments SIG, Chair, Robert Ballance, Sandia National Laboratories (SNLA) |
System Support SIG, Chair, Joni Virtanen,
CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd. (CSC) |