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CUG 09 Proceedings

Links to papers and slides are in blue below. To read the abstract of a presentation, go to the abstracts page and search for the presenter's name or the presentation title. Click here for the final printed program in pdf format.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


11 General Session
8:30 CUG Business: AC Introductions, Election Presentations, Voting, Chair: David Gigrich, CUG President, The Boeing Company (BOEING)
9:00 Introduction, James B. White III (Trey), Local Arrangements Chair, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Invited Talk,
Thomas C. Schulthess, Director, CSCS-Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), The DCA++ Story: How New Algorithms, New Computers, and Innovative Software Design Allow Us to Solve Challenging Simulation Problems in High Temperature Superconductivity
9:45 CUG Business: Election Results, James Kasdorf, CUG Secretary, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PITTSCC)
10:00 Break
12 Technical Sessions
  12A 12B 12C
10:30 Heidi Poxon, Cray Inc., Enhanced Productivity Using the Cray Performance Analysis Toolset
Jay Lofstead, Georgia Institute of Technology, Petascale I/O Using the Adaptable I/O System
Mahesh Rajan, Sandia National Laboratories (SNLA), Red Storm/Cray XT4: A Superior Architecture for Scalability
Chris Gottbrath, TotalView Technologies, Debugging Scalable Applications on the XT
John Walsh, National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS), Large Lustre File System Experiences at NICS
Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Laboratories (SNLA), Catamount N-Way Performance on XT5
James Rosinski, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), General Purpose Timing Library (GPTL): A Tool for Characterizing Performance of Parallel and Serial Applications
Kevin Peterson, Cray Inc., Scaling Efforts to Reach a PetaFlop
Ronald Oldfield and Andrew Wilson, Sandia National Laboratories (SNLA), Access to External Resources Using Service-Node Proxies
12:00 Lunch
13 Technical Sessions
  13A 13B 13C
1:00 Lonnie Crosby, National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS), Performance Characteristics of the Lustre File System on the Cray XT5 with Respect to Application I/O Patterns
Nathan Wichman, Cray Inc., Early Experience Using the Cray Compiling Environment
Hwa-Chun (Wendy) Lin, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), Understanding Aprun Use Patterns
1:30 Katie Antypas, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), MPI-I/O on Franklin XT4 System at NERSC
Brent Leback, The Portland Group, An Accelerator Programming Model for Multicore
Richard Mills and Forrest Hoffman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Coping at the User-Level with Resource Limitations in the Cray Message Passing Toolkit MPI at Scale: How Not to Spend Your Summer Vacation
2:00 Jeff Larkin, Cray Inc., Practical Examples for Efficient I/O on Cray XT Systems
Geir Johansen, Cray Inc., Cray XT Programming Environment's Implementation of Dynamic Shared Libraries
Richard Mills, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Experiences and Challenges Scaling PFLOTRAN, a PETSc-based Code for Subsurface Reactive Flow Simulations, Towards the Petascale on Cray XT Systems
2:30 Break
14 Technical Sessions
  14A 14B 14C
3:00 Thomas Davis, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), System Monitoring Using NAGIOS, Cacti, and Prism
Lee Higbie, Arctic Region Supercomputing Center (ARSC), HPC Fortran Compilers
Manisha Gajbe, Georgia Institute of Technology, Auto-Tuning Distributed-Memory 3-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms on the Cray XT4
3:30 Philip C. Roth, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Scalable Tool Infrastructure for the Cray XT Using Tree-Based Overlay Networks
Patrick Worley, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Early Evaluation of the Cray XT5
Samuel Williams, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), Resource-Efficient, Hierarchical Auto-Tuning of a Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann Computation on the Cray XT4
4:00 Break
15 Interactive Sessions and BoFs  
  15A BoF 15B Interactive Session 15C Interactive Session
External Services, Jim Harrell, Cray Inc.
Legacy Systems SIG, Chair, James Kasdorf, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PITTSCC)
User Support SIG, Chair, James Glidewell, The Boeing Company (BOEING)
5:00 Break
CUG Night Out

CUG Night Out at Dave & Buster's. First bus at 5:30 and last bus at 6:30.

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