Wednesday |
11 General Session |
8:30 |
CUG Business: AC Introductions, Election Presentations, Voting, Chair: David Gigrich, CUG President, The Boeing Company (BOEING) |
9:00 |
Introduction, James B. White III (Trey), Local Arrangements Chair, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Invited Talk, Thomas C. Schulthess, Director, CSCS-Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), The DCA++ Story: How New Algorithms, New Computers, and Innovative Software Design Allow Us to Solve Challenging Simulation Problems in High Temperature Superconductivity
Slides |
9:45 |
CUG Business: Election Results, James Kasdorf, CUG Secretary, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PITTSCC) |
10:00 |
Break |
12 Technical Sessions |
12A |
12B |
12C |
10:30 |
Heidi Poxon, Cray Inc., Enhanced Productivity Using the Cray Performance Analysis Toolset
Slides |
Jay Lofstead, Georgia Institute of Technology, Petascale I/O Using the Adaptable I/O System
Slides |
Mahesh Rajan, Sandia National Laboratories (SNLA), Red Storm/Cray XT4: A Superior Architecture for Scalability
Slides |
11:00 |
John Walsh, National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS), Large Lustre File System Experiences at NICS
Slides |
Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Laboratories (SNLA), Catamount N-Way Performance on XT5
Slides |
11:30 |
James Rosinski, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), General Purpose Timing Library (GPTL): A Tool for Characterizing Performance of Parallel and Serial Applications
Slides |
Kevin Peterson, Cray Inc., Scaling Efforts to Reach a PetaFlop
Slides |
Ronald Oldfield and Andrew Wilson, Sandia National Laboratories (SNLA), Access to External Resources Using Service-Node Proxies
Slides |
12:00 |
Lunch |
13 Technical Sessions |
13A |
13B |
13C |
1:00 |
Lonnie Crosby, National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS), Performance Characteristics of the Lustre File System on the Cray XT5 with Respect to Application I/O Patterns
Slides |
Nathan Wichman, Cray Inc., Early Experience Using the Cray Compiling Environment
Slides |
Hwa-Chun (Wendy) Lin, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), Understanding Aprun Use Patterns
Slides |
1:30 |
Katie Antypas, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), MPI-I/O on Franklin XT4 System at NERSC
Slides |
Brent Leback, The Portland Group, An Accelerator Programming Model for Multicore
Slides |
Richard Mills and Forrest Hoffman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Coping at the User-Level with Resource Limitations in the Cray Message Passing Toolkit MPI at Scale: How Not to Spend Your Summer Vacation
Slides |
2:00 |
Jeff Larkin, Cray Inc., Practical Examples for Efficient I/O on Cray XT Systems
Slides |
Geir Johansen, Cray Inc., Cray XT Programming Environment's Implementation of Dynamic Shared Libraries
Slides |
Richard Mills, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Experiences and Challenges Scaling PFLOTRAN, a PETSc-based Code for Subsurface Reactive Flow Simulations, Towards the Petascale on Cray XT Systems
Slides |
2:30 |
Break |
14 Technical Sessions |
14A |
14B |
14C |
3:00 |
Thomas Davis, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), System Monitoring Using NAGIOS, Cacti, and Prism
Slides |
Lee Higbie, Arctic Region Supercomputing Center (ARSC), HPC Fortran Compilers
Slides |
Manisha Gajbe, Georgia Institute of Technology, Auto-Tuning Distributed-Memory 3-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms on the Cray XT4
Slides |
3:30 |
Philip C. Roth, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Scalable Tool Infrastructure for the Cray XT Using Tree-Based Overlay Networks
Slides |
Patrick Worley, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Early Evaluation of the Cray XT5
Slides |
Samuel Williams, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), Resource-Efficient, Hierarchical Auto-Tuning of a Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann Computation on the Cray XT4
Slides |
4:00 |
Break |
15 Interactive Sessions and BoFs |
15A BoF |
15B Interactive Session |
15C Interactive Session |
4:15 |
External Services, Jim Harrell, Cray Inc. |
Legacy Systems SIG, Chair, James Kasdorf, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PITTSCC) |
User Support SIG, Chair, James Glidewell, The Boeing Company (BOEING) |
5:00 |
Break |
CUG Night Out |
5:30 |
CUG Night Out at Dave & Buster's. First bus at 5:30 and last bus at 6:30. |